info Overview
Name - What is Ai Siame’s full name?

Ai Siame

Gender - What is Ai Siame’s gender?


Age - How old is Ai Siame?

158 at time of death

face Looks
Height - How tall is Ai Siame?


Hair Color - What color is Ai Siame’s hair?

Chocolate brown

Hair Style - How does Ai Siame style their hair?

Long hair, wavy and curly

Eye Color - What is Ai Siame’s eye color?


Race - What is Ai Siame’s race?

Coyote demon

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ai Siame have?

Timid but super kind

Motivations - What motivates Ai Siame most?

Not wanting to watch her son abused and growing up with a hint of humanity

Flaws - What flaws does Ai Siame have?

She doesn't stand up for herself

groups Social
date_range History



At a young age, her abusive father dragged her away from the tribe which she loved while following the crazy Takeo as he made his splinter tribe. Her father promised Takeo her as a mate and together, and together they made Hisashi. At first, he was nice to her, atleast nicer to her than he was to everybody else. But as time went on, he started to be more of a abusive ass to her. When it came to their children, Takeo, wanting a war machine for a son, was cruel to Hisashi and taught him how to be a monster. Ai, not wanting her son the be what Takeo wanted, tried to teach him love and compassion. When Takeo learned that Hisashi was becoming "soft" due to his mother's kindness, Takeo killed her.

Current Story

She's dead now. She probably appears to her grandson who can see ghosts, or maybe she chills in Soul Society

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Her mother was a shinigami. Though she never knew herself that she inherited powers of her own, it's because of her that Hisashi possesses his abilites

folder_open Powers

None her mother was a shinigami so she passed that on to her son

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