info Overview
Name - What is Drake’s full name?


Role - What is Drake’s role in your story?

Romantic Rival, sometimes Booty Call

face Looks
Race - What is Drake’s race?

Mothra / Mothman

Hair Color - What color is Drake’s hair?


Skin Tone


Height - How tall is Drake?


Body Type

Skinny, think typical emo teen skinny.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Drake have?

He doesn't have any facial hair, but he has a fabulous neck floof.

fingerprint Nature

Very introverted, Drake would rather spend time sleeping in his room than interacting with people. However, he is very finely tuned to the emotions of others, sensible through the antennae on his head. He's sweet to those he's met for the first time, and rather tolerant of Incubus!Jaden's bullshit.



Talents - What talents does Drake have?

He has a talent for reading people's current moods and sneaking them gifts when they're sad.

groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
flare Powers
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

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