info Overview
Name - What is Ruri’s full name?


Gender - What is Ruri’s gender?

Cis Female

face Looks
Race - What is Ruri’s race?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ruri have?

Two large scars on the left side of her forehead

Hair Color - What color is Ruri’s hair?

Magenta red

Hair Style - How does Ruri style their hair?

Shaved on one side due to scarring.

Skin Tone


Height - How tall is Ruri?


Body Type


Eye Color - What is Ruri’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature

Quiet, shy, and meek.
She usually doesn't speak unless someone gives her the strict go-ahead, from her long stint as a slave. When allowed to speak: she's very forthright in her opinions and states things in as few words as possible to get the point across. Think military folk.
In battle: she is crazed and ferocious, taking pleasure in challenges to her strength.


Most possibly demi-sexual, as she spent many years of her early life as a slave (in her canon at least), so getting close to people enough to really feel attraction to them is difficult.


-Taking naps

-Spicy foods

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ruri have?

She has an intrinsic hate of slavers and those who promote the slave trade, since she was a slave for most of her early to young adult life.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Ruri’s favorite animal?

Cats of all kinds

Favorite possession - What is Ruri’s favorite possession?

A pendant she received from the man who both freed her and made sure she stayed free.

Favorite food - What is Ruri’s favorite food?

Grilled fish with minimal spices added.

Favorite color - What is Ruri’s favorite color?

Green, like peridots.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Ruri’s birthday?

Unknown, she doesn't remember much of her early early life.

Education - What is Ruri’s level of education?

No formal education, but she has been studying with an old Sage magician to learn to read and write.

device_hub Family
flare Powers
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

In the AU canon I have her in, she was rescued by Jaden-Solomon and has been following him as a bodyguard for years while he searches both for his daughter and World Calamities.


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