info Overview
Name - What is Enryuu’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Enryuu go by?


Gender - What is Enryuu’s gender?

Non-binary. Looks female

Age - How old is Enryuu?


face Looks
Race - What is Enryuu’s race?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Enryuu have?

Rather short, with a very voluptuous body, meant for attracting gazes and being deadly, her real form is/can be covered by a type of biologically occurring chitinous armor. She normally has purple hair and large monster arms that have naturally occurring bio-luminescence. Her eyes consist of black sclera and yellow irises.
In her human form, her body shape is the same, but she has brown hair and eyes.

fingerprint Nature

Very quiet and reserved, she only speaks if she needs to, considering she doesn't know a lot of any language, and she's young by her species' standards. She's rather vicious and mean when angered and she'd rather beat her way to a solution than think it through.


Grey-sexual, she's not really interested in any kinds of physical connections or sex at all, but is willing if it's truly wished and earned upon her

Talents - What talents does Enryuu have?

She's very physically strong, but she's not all that smart, since she's still a child by her species' standards, and being under the tutelage of Robert Scott and scientists who found her she's only really learned simple etiquette and some broken English/Spanish.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Enryuu’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Enryuu’s favorite weapon?

Her fists

Favorite color - What is Enryuu’s favorite color?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Enryuu’s birthday?



Her species don't follow the zodiac

device_hub Family

Unknown, but she believes a Robert Scott is her father (figure)

flare Powers
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

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