info Overview
Name - What is Azura Korrina Liorre’s full name?

Azura Korrina Liorre

Other names - What other aliases does Azura Korrina Liorre go by?

Azu, Zura, Zu

Gender - What is Azura Korrina Liorre’s gender?

Cis Female

Age - How old is Azura Korrina Liorre?


face Looks
Race - What is Azura Korrina Liorre’s race?

Human - Firebender, potential Avatar candidate

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Azura Korrina Liorre have?

Her curly brown Water Tribe hair and blue eyes is a dead giveaway to her parentage, but not her bending status.

Hair Color - What color is Azura Korrina Liorre’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Azura Korrina Liorre style their hair?

Usually pinned up in one way or another, her unruly, curly, Water Tribe hair gets in the way of her day to day, so she keeps it out of her face.

Skin Tone

Fair skinned, like most noble Fire Nation folk.

Body Type

Curvaceous, but muscular underneath the squish.

Eye Color - What is Azura Korrina Liorre’s eye color?

Ocean Blue

fingerprint Nature


Talents - What talents does Azura Korrina Liorre have?

She is an excellent fire-bender. Her knowledge of forms, traditions, and various stylistic improvements are exceptional.
She also has a strong talent in lightning-bending, with her particular brand being a pale violet in color.

Flaws - What flaws does Azura Korrina Liorre have?

She is prone to indecision, on account of how weak her constitution has been her whole life. She typically doesn't take action until after she deliberates whether the costs to her body are worth the return of good deeds.

Motivations - What motivates Azura Korrina Liorre most?

Being able to live a relatively normal life day-to-day.
She worries that, due to her illness, any day could potentially be her last should she so much as walk too fast.


She is incapable of fire-bending for a long time, due to a childhood illness in her lungs that makes it hard for her to breathe with strenuous activity. Should she bend for too long, it results in shortness of breath, wheezing, or the coughing up of blood.
It is a more severe brand of asthma that affects more than just her lungs.
She is not sure she could even be the Avatar with how weak her body is.
-Gets it stop-gap-treated by a Medical specialist waterbender.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Azura Korrina Liorre’s favorite animal?

Dragons, Shirshu, and any creature that's fluffy.

Favorite possession - What is Azura Korrina Liorre’s favorite possession?

A hairpiece gifted to her by her father.

Favorite color - What is Azura Korrina Liorre’s favorite color?

She loves grays, because they're neutral colors that don't represent any one nation.

date_range History
Ongoing Story

As one of three Firebenders born at the same time, she is an Avatar candidate. That's literally all I got so far.

Birthday - When is Azura Korrina Liorre’s birthday?

July 16th!



device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Azura Korrina Liorre have?

A bearded dragon, just because 'dragon' is in the name, and, later, her very own Shirshu pup.


Fire Nation father
Northern Water Tribe mother

flare Powers
Powers, Abilities, and Skills

Can create fire, and manipulate it in typical ATLA-bender fashion. Is able to lightning bend, and redirect it.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

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