info Overview
Name - What is Anju Kai'iri’s full name?

Anju Kai'iri

Gender - What is Anju Kai'iri’s gender?

Cis Female

Age - How old is Anju Kai'iri?


face Looks
Race - What is Anju Kai'iri’s race?

Mermaid Songwriter

Hair Color - What color is Anju Kai'iri’s hair?

In mermaid form, silvery white.
In human form, either platinum blonde, or black.

Hair Style - How does Anju Kai'iri style their hair?

In mermaid form, its tied up into two curly haired pigtails.
In human form, its either all laid down, braided, or up in a half pony. She varies her style to keep anonymous.

Skin Tone

Very pale.

Height - How tall is Anju Kai'iri?

She's a shorty.

Eye Color - What is Anju Kai'iri’s eye color?

Cloudy/silvery grey

fingerprint Nature

Overly conscious of her sociable behavior, considering she was raised in the darkness of the Mariana trench by two mothers, she is very helpful without expecting anything in return, but is very easily offended and scorned, she can be spiteful and kind of bitchy. Otherwise she tries to treat people fairly and be kind to everyone. Very inquisitive due to her sheltered upbringing, she questions everything and everyone down to the marrow of their bones.




-Ice cream

-Spicy foods

Talents - What talents does Anju Kai'iri have?

Composing and playing/singing music and songs.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Anju Kai'iri’s favorite animal?

Giant squids, and the deep-ocean jellyfish that glow.

Favorite possession - What is Anju Kai'iri’s favorite possession?

Her silver pearl.

Favorite color - What is Anju Kai'iri’s favorite color?

She loves the blue of the ocean surface.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Anju Kai'iri’s birthday?

June 1st



Education - What is Anju Kai'iri’s level of education?

No formal education of any kind

device_hub Family

Adoptive mothers

flare Powers
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

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