info Overview
Name - What is Jamie (Something)’s full name?

Jamie (Something)

face Looks
Race - What is Jamie (Something)’s race?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jamie (Something) have?

Rather average in height, she has shoulder length brown hair, usually tied up in a pony tail, with a large silver streak through her bangs. Amethyst colored eyes. Generally wears skinny jeans and jackets or hoodies. Poor college kid look, really.

fingerprint Nature

She's a very sweet and gentle person, who's dedicated to everything she does. She's strong and knows exactly who she is and what she wants to do. A hopeless romantic at times, having grown up isolated from real social contact, yet hasn't managed to find anyone to date.




Likes: apples, the smell of paint, the feel of painting, parks and sculptures, taking selfies, Play-doh
Dislikes: basketball, drawing with charcoal, blending sticks, Floam (the feel of it grosses her the hell out)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jamie (Something) have?


groups Social
date_range History
Back Story

Born on an Assassin farm outside Chicago, she was raised and trained in the ways of the Assassins by her parents, leaders of her particular farm. When she was of legal age (18), she snuck out and never came back, opting to go into the city with nothing but fake IDs and fake credit cards.
After near bankruptcy, she came across a nice girl who gave her enough money to pay for her rent and some food. Afterwards, she met the same girl in a restaurant she waited at. She excitedly thanked her for helping her pull through her tough times. She became close friends after that, joining in on Haley's circle of rich friends. Together, they moved to New York, where Jamie continues to live and wait tables and paint/draw pictures.

Ongoing Story

During one of her between-semester breaks from college, a virus swept through New York City, devastating the island and infecting the inhabitants, turning them into mutated monsters. There, she meets (an alternate universe) Jaden Taisho, who is linked to the virus running rampant through the streets.
After stopping it temporarily, they strike up a relationship.

Birthday - When is Jamie (Something)’s birthday?

January 3rd



Education - What is Jamie (Something)’s level of education?

Currently in college.

device_hub Family

Maria (mother, alive)
Derrek (father, alive)

flare Powers
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

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