info Overview
Name - What is Katrina Alkiviadis’s full name?

Katrina Alkiviadis

Other names - What other aliases does Katrina Alkiviadis go by?

Katy, Little Hurricane (Father only)

Gender - What is Katrina Alkiviadis’s gender?

Cis Female

Age - How old is Katrina Alkiviadis?


face Looks
Race - What is Katrina Alkiviadis’s race?


Hair Color - What color is Katrina Alkiviadis’s hair?

Jet black

Hair Style - How does Katrina Alkiviadis style their hair?

Tries to pin it back neatly, but has a generally messy look.

Skin Tone

Dark brown, of Polynesian descent.

Body Type

A little on the chunky side, but not unfit.

Eye Color - What is Katrina Alkiviadis’s eye color?

Sea green

fingerprint Nature

She's exceedingly shy, considering her family situation and how she was raised illegally by her godly parent, she very rarely speaks out. She's a bit of an anxious wreck, but has a sassy side to her.


Too young to care about shit like that.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Katrina Alkiviadis’s favorite animal?

She loves snails...not really sure why, but she just loves how little and slimy they are.

Favorite weapon - What is Katrina Alkiviadis’s favorite weapon?

Her Imperial Gold greatsword-hairpin.

Favorite possession - What is Katrina Alkiviadis’s favorite possession?

The hairpin-sword she got from her father.

Religion - What religion does Katrina Alkiviadis practice?

Follows the Greek/Roman Pantheon of gods. Also believes in Polynesian myths...Just, pagan, in general.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Katrina Alkiviadis’s birthday?

February 14th!



Education - What is Katrina Alkiviadis’s level of education?

No formal education, but is really fucking good at video games.

device_hub Family

Kelly (Mother, deceased)
Neptune (Father, Roman god)

flare Powers
Powers, Abilities, and Skills

Can breathe underwater and control it to an extent (pressure doesn't bother her). Becomes invigorated when in contact with water. Can create earthquakes and various seismic fissures. Is able to cause hurricanes, but not highly recommended.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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