info Overview
Name - What is Julius Philips’s full name?

Julius Philips

Other names - What other aliases does Julius Philips go by?

Jul (Jewl)

Role - What is Julius Philips’s role in your story?

He is the main pain

Age - How old is Julius Philips?


Gender - What is Julius Philips’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Julius Philips have?

a little bit of a neck beard, but that's it

Hair Style - How does Julius Philips style their hair?

long, usually out, parted at the center

Hair Color - What color is Julius Philips’s hair?


Height - How tall is Julius Philips?


Weight - How much does Julius Philips weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Julius Philips have?

His long hair

Body Type

Lean and fit, but not magazine worthy

Skin Tone

he's from England... So he's 'blind you' white

Race - What is Julius Philips’s race?

Human, English?? White?

Eye Color - What is Julius Philips’s eye color?

Chestnut brown

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Julius Philips have?

Moms, especially older ones. And drunks.


He was cast out a kid and is very very controlling. also, he's the typical smart serial kidnapper/killer

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Julius Philips have?

rough, contemplating the proper amount to yell

Motivations - What motivates Julius Philips most?

sex, proving a point

Flaws - What flaws does Julius Philips have?

he's a serial killer, to count would be too long a list

Talents - What talents does Julius Philips have?

what he can do with his hands **

Hobbies - What hobbies does Julius Philips have?

Reading, sex, forced sex (so raping), bossing people around

Personality type - What personality type is Julius Philips?

Outward: controlling, hard, cold, manipulator
Inward: sensitive, 'innocent', empathetic

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Julius Philips’s favorite food?

Roast pig

Favorite possession - What is Julius Philips’s favorite possession?

torture chamber

Favorite color - What is Julius Philips’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Julius Philips’s occupation?

Political leader

Politics - What politics does Julius Philips have?

He's the leader of a gay-rights party

Religion - What religion does Julius Philips practice?


Job - What job does Julius Philips have?

political leader

Favorite animal - What is Julius Philips’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Julius Philips’s favorite weapon?


info History
Background - What is Julius Philips’s background?

Huh. His father was an abusive drunk and gay-raped him then shunned him because he lost his V to a boy so he must be gay, but he could never get a BF because gays WERE illegal

Education - What is Julius Philips’s level of education?


Birthday - When is Julius Philips’s birthday?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Julius Philips have?

His servants

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Jessy Omega on

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