art_track Overview
Name - What is Mordecai Will Gray’s full name?

Mordecai Will Gray



Age - How old is Mordecai Will Gray?


Gender - What is Mordecai Will Gray’s gender?


add_a_photo Appearance
Body Type

Actor dependant. Ideally, apple-shaped.

Hair Color - What color is Mordecai Will Gray’s hair?

Actor dependant. Ideally, black

Hair Style - How does Mordecai Will Gray style their hair?

Braided ponytail

Eye Color - What is Mordecai Will Gray’s eye color?

Actor dependant. Ideally, brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mordecai Will Gray have?


Height - How tall is Mordecai Will Gray?

Actor dependant. Ideally, around 5'7"

Skin Tone

Actor dependant. Ideally, mocha.

Race - What is Mordecai Will Gray’s race?


fingerprint Personality
Personality type - What personality type is Mordecai Will Gray?

Easygoing, loyal, skeptical.

Mental Health

Minor anxiety, but otherwise healthy. Not medicated.

lightbulb_outline Interests
Favourite Colour

They don't have a specific favourite, but most of the time they enjoy magenta.

Favourite game


Favourite Video Game

They're a fan of Life Is Strange

Favourite Book

Throne of Glass

groups Social
device_hub Family
favorite Sexuality
Sexual Orientation


Relationship Status

Single, and not wanting to mingle.

info History
business_center Belongings
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Mordecai Will Gray

This character was created by Caelin Wonitoy on

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