info Overview
Name - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s full name?

Charlotte Maire Santoro

Role - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Charlotte Maire Santoro go by?

Coco, C

Gender - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s gender?


Age - How old is Charlotte Maire Santoro?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Charlotte Maire Santoro weigh?

110 lbs, she feels a lot of pressure from her friends and social media to be lighter and skinnier so she is underweight for her age and height.

Height - How tall is Charlotte Maire Santoro?


Hair Color - What color is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s hair?

medium blonde(originally light brown but she bleaches it to dye it crazy colors) with streaks of pink, over the course of the story the pink fades and her hair gets darker again.

Hair Style - How does Charlotte Maire Santoro style their hair?

short and choppy, still looks really cute on her even though its a mess. she let her friends cut it once on a dare, before that it was long, over the course of the story it grows out a lot and gets almost back to its original length and she realizes she missed it long.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Charlotte Maire Santoro have?


Eye Color - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s eye color?

hazel but mostly green

Race - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s race?


Skin Tone

always tan, she gets a little darker in the summer, olive-toned

Body Type

lean, delicate, skinny in a way that would be concerning if you looked a little closer.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Charlotte Maire Santoro have?

freckles. long(fake) nails all the time, loud voice and laugh. pink streaks in her hair


she likes to be trendy and stylish, she loves things like short skirts, ripped jeans and vintage tees. she is a shoe addict and has everything from heels to boots to sneakers

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Charlotte Maire Santoro have?

taps her nails when she is bored or nervous or excited, will put her hair up only to take. when she is stressed or bored she reorganizes stuff(books, clothes, makeup,). She is always happy when she is around her friends and hates when anyone around her is sad, so she never lets anyone(including herself be upset). she puts things off until the last second and usually ends up not doing her homework at all. she skips class when she's worried about not having her homework done. she sits slouched and comfortable. she walks in a quick, bouncy way, but never ahead of her group.

Motivations - What motivates Charlotte Maire Santoro most?

-thrill, she loves getting a thrill out of something so she will cut or dye her hair on a dare for the fun of it. she also does things that aren't always safe for the thrill of it.

-acceptance, she needs to feel wanted and needed by her friends so she does everything to please them and make them happy

Flaws - What flaws does Charlotte Maire Santoro have?

  • she's a follower if all her friends are doing one thing she has to be doing it too. (hair clothes, social media, etc.) she does this because she wants people to accept her and she would die if her group dropped her

  • she's impulsive, she doesn't say no to anything because she doesn't want people to think she's boring and drop her(she also loves doing crazy stuff), she also never thinks about anything before doing it (like skipping class)

  • she's mean to people who aren't a part of her group, this is because she's friends with a lot of really mean people who make fun of others and she feels like she has to agree with them and do the same for her friends to accept her.

    -can't handle emotion well, she always wants everyone to be happy because she doesn't know how to act when they are sad, she also doesn't let herself be sad.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Charlotte Maire Santoro have?

-people who aren't in her friend group aren't good enough for her. she believes this because her friends talk crap about people and she agrees with them so much she thinks the same.
-people who have money don't deserve it, she grew up in a bad area and money was tight, her mom always complained about how they needed more money and how some people got tons of money without doing anything other than being born into a rich family so she thinks people who have money didn't do any work to get it and the hard-working people who don't have it should

Talents - What talents does Charlotte Maire Santoro have?

-she can always make her friends laugh because she hates to let anyone be sad, including herself, she is always making up jokes to keep sadness and tears at bay
- she is really smart and if she did her homework and showed up to class she would get a's in everything but she doesn't let herself do well because her friends make fun of the really smart people in her school
-she's a good worker and she can figure out almost any job quickly, she also puts all her focus into something once she starts it.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Charlotte Maire Santoro have?

-cleaning and organizing, she can't sit still for long and she rearranges her room at least once a week, she loves putting everything in its right place
-traveling w/ her friends, none of them can afford to go on big fancy vacations so they like to find small towns they can just drive to for a weekend
-getting in trouble, her group loves to do crazy, irresponsible things and then leave it for whoever finds the aftermath of it.

Personality type - What personality type is Charlotte Maire Santoro?

-cool and collected, she would never let anyone know something was bothering her, she would just fix it and move on
-rude, she is quick to judge and harsh when she judges people, she also doesn't have much of a filter with mean words
-irresponsible, she will do anything you dare her to just because she loves the thrill
-distant, if she isn't watching herslef she gets very distant and won't talk in conversations or go out. she has to make sure she is talking and reacting to everything around her because she can zone out very easily

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Charlotte Maire Santoro practice?

she is Christian but she never goes to church or anything like that, she did when her dad was alive but they stopped going after he died.

Occupation - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s occupation?

she is a student (Sophmore) and she works multiple jobs

Favorite color - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s favorite food?

pizza, because she can easily steal it from work when she leaves and it's cheap and good

Favorite possession - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s favorite possession?

her phone. she lives on her phone with social media and everything she always has to know hats going on.

Favorite weapon - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s favorite weapon?

she doesn't fight, but if she did she can defend herself, her mother taught her how to fight in case anything ever happened to her

Favorite animal - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Charlotte Maire Santoro have?

she works a lot of odd jobs to make money for her and her mom her main job is at a bowling alley serving snacks, she hates it because she has to deal with lots of little kids but it pays better than other jobs in her area and some of her friends work with her. she also does stuff like sell her homework to kids and does yard work and cleans houses. She HATES kids and would never babysit.

info History
Birthday - When is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s birthday?

June 3rd

Education - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s level of education?

high school, she could have gotten a scholarship to college but she skipped class to many times so she isn't going

Background - What is Charlotte Maire Santoro’s background?

she lives with her mom and her cat in a bad part of town, her dad died when she was 2.5 years old and her mother never remarried. she was taught by her mom to work very hard. when she was little she had a best friend named Luna, they got along really well and knew and understood everything about each other. Luna moved away in 6th grade and Coco became friends with the "popular" group of students because she would always do their homework for them.

dashboard Random
Hogwarts House


What's their coffee order

iced skinny mocha

What are the best/worst things in this character's life

she thinks her friends are the best part of her life but in reality, they are really toxic and make her do dangerous stuff which ends up hurting people. Her mom is the best part of her life because she is so supportive and loves her daughter so much.,

What would break this character

her friend group throwing her out, she relies on them to feel accepted

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Charlotte Maire Santoro have?

a 17-year-old cat named Jinxy, who hates her even though she loves him.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Elly on

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