info Overview
Name - What is Victoria Rione’s full name?

Victoria Rione

Role - What is Victoria Rione’s role in your story?

Supporting role - Outside Citizen/senator/politician.

Other names - What other aliases does Victoria Rione go by?

Madam Co-President

Gender - What is Victoria Rione’s gender?


Age - How old is Victoria Rione?


Faction aligned with

The Alliance, as a representative of the Callas Republic and Rift Federation

folder_open Alien form
Alien height

9'1" - Average height for an Enigma

Alien race name

Reyone - Rain
Vacoriana - (Untranslatable)

Species name


Alien outfit

Silver-coloured flowing outfit for diplomatic purposes.
Black for combat clothes.

folder_open (Uncontrolled) Werewolf form
folder_open (Controlled) Werewolf form
face Looks
Weight - How much does Victoria Rione weigh?

"Ask that again, and there will be hell to pay. Official, Co-Presidents orders of course."

Height - How tall is Victoria Rione?


Hair Color - What color is Victoria Rione’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Victoria Rione style their hair?


Eye Color - What is Victoria Rione’s eye color?

Light blue

Race - What is Victoria Rione’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Victoria Rione have?

Seeks out any and all information, only stopping when she gets what she sought.

Motivations - What motivates Victoria Rione most?

Making sure that the Alliance is actually good for the Callas Republic and Rift Federation to stay apart of.

Flaws - What flaws does Victoria Rione have?

An absolute prick in general.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Victoria Rione have?

Her own 'command' experience.

Talents - What talents does Victoria Rione have?

Making people talk.

Personality type - What personality type is Victoria Rione?

Professional Asshole.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Victoria Rione practice?

The living stars/honour to our ancestors

Politics - What politics does Victoria Rione have?

Co-President of two minor factions.

Occupation - What is Victoria Rione’s occupation?

Representative of the Callas Republic and Rift Federation.

Favorite color - What is Victoria Rione’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Victoria Rione’s favorite weapon?


Job - What job does Victoria Rione have?

Co-President of the Callas Republic and Rift Federation.



date_range History
Birthday - When is Victoria Rione’s birthday?


Education - What is Victoria Rione’s level of education?

Politic outlining of future politicians for the greater good of the Rift Federation and Callas Republic

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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