accessibility Outfits

Everyday-everyday is whatever's warm and moderately goes together.
However, since he's joined the rebellion he's taken to wearing a necklace of twine and his red-with-blue-black-trim rebellion uniform.


His red rebellion uniform can be considered his formal, but occasionally he'll go tux.

info Overview
Name - What is Charlie Lionel Trellaerne’s full name?

Charlie Lionel Trellaerne

Age - How old is Charlie Lionel Trellaerne?


Role - What is Charlie Lionel Trellaerne’s role in your story?

Rebellion leader and parallel to Coallen

Gender - What is Charlie Lionel Trellaerne’s gender?


face Looks
Body Type

Rather lean, which serves to lend a bit of height. (Not much though, as Robyn will helpfully point out to him.)

Facial Features

Round face, none of his features are really defined

Height - How tall is Charlie Lionel Trellaerne?


Hair Color - What color is Charlie Lionel Trellaerne’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Charlie Lionel Trellaerne style their hair?

Once upon a time, it was gelled nicely. Then the rebellion came along, and now it's free to do whatever it wishes as long as it lies relatively flat.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Charlie Lionel Trellaerne have?


Eye Color - What is Charlie Lionel Trellaerne’s eye color?

China blue. Pretty, intense, and makes for a lovely death glare.

Race - What is Charlie Lionel Trellaerne’s race?

Human, Requirian

Skin Tone

Pale, lightly freckled all over his body

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Charlie Lionel Trellaerne?

Proud, stubborn, devoted, intelligent, honorable

Prejudices - What prejudices does Charlie Lionel Trellaerne have?

He hates the Dictate and all its members, except for Coallen, whom he respects

Motivations - What motivates Charlie Lionel Trellaerne most?

To dismantle the Dictate and install a better system as per his dead twin sister Lacey's specifications

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Charlie Lionel Trellaerne’s favorite animal?

He knows it's silly, and that they only exist on a few worlds on a modified diet, but he really loves lions.

Job - What job does Charlie Lionel Trellaerne have?

Rebellion leader

date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by J.H.B. on

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