info Overview
Name - What is Thorne’s full name?



A cluster of golden feathers and a ring.

Age - How old is Thorne?

2138 years old, looks to be in their late 20s/early 30s.

Gender - What is Thorne’s gender?

Non-binary, they/them.

Other names - What other aliases does Thorne go by?

Joye (this is their actual name, and Thorne is their alias. It comes from the fact that the gods would constantly call them a 'thorn in their sides'. When Thorne was cast down from Kasiet, they took 'Thorne' as their name to sort of give a middle finger to the other gods.

Role - What is Thorne’s role in your story?

God of Truth and the Unknown

face Looks

Back on Kasiet, they wore 3-piece suits or evening dresses/ball gowns, depending on what they felt like.
On Diamanti, they wear a black spaghetti strap tank top and black mini shorts, or black pants with the same shirt and a leather jacket if it's colder.

Facial Structure

They have sharp cheekbones and a slightly pointed chin.

True Form

Their hair looks like auburn mist, and their face is impossible to remember. Everything about them is misty and indistinct.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Thorne have?

Their shoulders and upper arms are covered in Old Unity script. Their forearms are tattooed with flowers interspaced with curls of mist. The back of their fingers are tattooed, with black rings around the base and simple geometric shapes up to their fingernails. Their upper back has black wings tattooed on it, with a large sword going from their nape to their hips. The rest of their back is decorated with clouds and stars and flowers. They have pierced ears and smell like cinnamon.

Body Type

Rectangular, with muscles from practicing with their sword. They got stuck in an afab when their soul was sealed. They have long legs, a small chest, and narrow shoulders and hips.

Skin Tone

Pale with warm, olive undertones.

Linked Races

Race - What is Thorne’s race?


Eye Color - What is Thorne’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Thorne have?


Hair Style - How does Thorne style their hair?

Long hair, wavy, falling to their waist. They usually keep it up in a high ponytail or a neat braid.

Hair Color - What color is Thorne’s hair?

Light auburn.

Height - How tall is Thorne?


Weight - How much does Thorne weigh?

138 lbs.

fingerprint Nature

Pansexual, polyamorous.


Music, The Kingdom, bad wine, noodles, protecting people, art and pretty things, loyalty.


Banana-flavored things, being serious, expressing their feelings, the Void.


Their soul has been sealed, so they aren't able to use any of their natural magic.

Opinions on:

Their tattoos: They're very proud of them and love showing them off. They're a little sad about the Old Unity script because it's supposed to change and it reminds them of their sealed soul.
The other gods: Their guilt over what they did makes them want to never see any of the gods ever again.

Magical abilities

Personality type - What personality type is Thorne?

They have a very thick face. They generally try to be collected when interacting with new people and people they don't like, though there's usually a good amount of snarkiness in all interactions. They will put their life on the line for the ones they care about. They will also not make it seem as though they deeply care about anyone, though there are many who fit into that category. Family and friends are very important to them. They don't like being sad, and will fake happiness. Crying is a no-no. They have a pretty short temper, especially if they're tired. They are not a morning person.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Thorne have?

They enjoy baking and cooking for The Sapphire, as well as reading all kinds of books.

Talents - What talents does Thorne have?

They're good at swordwork and also throwing knives. Woodcarving. Cooking in general. Fairly decent artist.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Thorne have?

Hate rich people.

Flaws - What flaws does Thorne have?

They're too confident in their ability to do things. They let their guard down around their family and friends. They often shove their feelings down and don't think about or resolve them.

Motivations - What motivates Thorne most?

To be able to have a peaceful and happy life, and to be able to spend it with those they love.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Thorne have?

They avoid eye contact if they're feeling very guilty about something. They're left-handed.

chat_bubble_outline Voice
Speech Mannerisms

They have a voice in the middle-lower register. Their voice is very smooth and calming. They generally talk pretty casually.

Usual Greeting

"Hey, I'm Thorne."

Can They Sing?

Yes, they learned how to. They're really good at it now.

groups Social
Job - What job does Thorne have?

They're The Sapphire's Second, which means they help manage the various illegal operations. They check the various casinos across the galaxy, help coordinate the gang's activities, and stand in for the Boss if needs be.

Languages spoken

Favorite animal - What is Thorne’s favorite animal?

Long-haired cats.

Favorite weapon - What is Thorne’s favorite weapon?

Their sword.

Favorite possession - What is Thorne’s favorite possession?

Their tattoos, especially the ones they added (forearms, hands, back save for the wings).

Favorite food - What is Thorne’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Thorne’s favorite color?

Black, blue, purple. Any cool tones.

Occupation - What is Thorne’s occupation?

Gang member.

Politics - What politics does Thorne have?

Highly against Diamantian rule.

Religion - What religion does Thorne practice?

They are the religion. So, none.

info History
Background - What is Thorne’s background?

Thorne, first known as Joye, born with no name, had existed since the very beginning of the universe. They had drifted around the universe for a while with their sibling (Emmia) before settling on the place where the first humans would be created. The humans imagined a name and a form for them, though it was a very loose description. They, along with Emmia, watched over these humans for 100 years. At that point the Void sent more Suneja to the humans and their role became more pronounced. They became the god of the unknown and outcasts, and for a while, they existed peacefully with the other gods. Unfortunately, a couple of the gods-- namely Isa, Jaunye, and The Raven-- were suspicious of Thorne, as they had been the original dark of the night. And now that they were the god of the unknown, they were very suspicious. As the decades grew into centuries, the suspicious wore down on them until they finally just snapped and destroyed the home of the gods. They stormed off in a fury, settling on the planet where the first humans were, where they used to live with Emmia. They didn't make their home there, but made a new house. And they've lived there ever since.

Education - What is Thorne’s level of education?

They know a great deal, mostly from reading books.

Birthday - When is Thorne’s birthday?

January 1st, -100 BC

flare Abilities
Natural-Born Magic

They are able to create rips in space-time to portal other places, as well as summon a white mist that effectively blinds people to everything, even if there are things right in front of them or even touching them. They can also inflict the most terrible truths on anyone in the fog.

Learned Magic

They learned- and basically started- Rellusion, the power to make such powerful illusions that they feel and look real. The rest of their magic is stolen, stored in rings that they keep on them at all times. Most of the stolen magic is mild, like giving them the ability to fade into the background.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

One of Thorne's rings lets them control a few knives, which includes calling them back to them after they're thrown, and sometimes changing the path of the knives. For example, if they're feeling really evil, they can throw a knife at a person's shoulder, and then twist it in their shoulder to cause a bit of pain.


This character was created by Maren on

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