info Overview
Name - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s full name?

Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)

Other names - What other aliases does Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh) go by?


Gender - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s gender?


Age - How old is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)?

18 (immortal)(she looks 18)

face Looks
Weight - How much does Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh) weigh?

(She has light bones because of flight. Wings and tail add more weight.)

Height - How tall is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)?


Hair Color - What color is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s hair?

Light blonde, black tipped wings and tail

Hair Style - How does Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh) style their hair?

Curly, chin length short, free and bouncy

Eye Color - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s eye color?

Heterochromatic blue left eye and green right eye (both glow when using magic)

Race - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s race?

Aviate (I made it up) (A humanoid race with wings...etc.)

Skin Tone

pailish ivory

Body Type

very toned, slim

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh) have?

Large wings (shaped similarly to a hawks), long tail (skinnier with slicker fur at the top, fur puffs more at the end (think fox) feathers hidden in thick fur at end of tail for flight stability. they lay flat against the tail itself when not in use. they stick out visibly when in use).

Black swirling markings throughout whole body that glow when certain powers are being used. Freckles (freckles are actually spots on her skin that act similarly to the markings as they are points where magic leaks through. They are small, light gray dots which look like freckles when not glowing.)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh) have?

Plays with her knives
Her tail flicks around a lot (based of noise and emotions)
Clicks her tongue/scrunches her nose when she thinks

The language used by humans was her first language; however, years of speaking the language spoken by those in the cave (sounds similar to Gaelic) gave her a bit of a lilt to her speech. (She sounds almost Scottish)

Motivations - What motivates Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh) most?

She believes her only purpose in life is to protect people. When people die around her she feels personally responsible

Flaws - What flaws does Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh) have?

Often hides her emotions (wants to be viewed as indestructible/for people to feel indestructible as long as she is there)
She gets easily annoyed when people complain
"It may be a mess but I know where everything is!"

Prejudices - What prejudices does Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh) have?

Although she doesn't use a person's past as a basis for judgement, she doesn't really trust anyone at first. When she was younger, she held anger towards humans for what they did, but after a while she began to understand that no group of people can be generalized, and that the few bad examples aren't representatives of the whole.

Talents - What talents does Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh) have?

Good fighter
Good with children
Extremely flexible and swift
Reckless in a controlled way (she simply appears reckless to people who don't know her. it takes her very little time to assess situations. She also doesn't tell people she doing something)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh) have?

Enjoys reading. She constantly has a book she is either reading or translating.
Has dabbled in writing but only one chapter (she threw it out but Addox found it and kept it. He references it sometimes)

Personality type - What personality type is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)?

Reserved but caring (She doesn't show affection in obvious ways, if at all; however, when someone is really emotionally struggling she is a very warm person)
She wants people to view her as an impenetrable force and often keeps her real personality closed from public. With people she is close to she is a quick witted nerd (she likes reading books written by humans)



groups Social
Occupation - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s occupation?

Guardian of the 6 realms from the 7th

Favorite color - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s favorite color?

deep blue

Favorite food - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s favorite food?

She eats because she knows she needs to. She doesn't really like to eat; however, she does enjoy the taste of cod.

Favorite possession - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s favorite possession?

She loves her books. She has garnered quite the collection over the years and has them in a place accessible to anyone interested.

Favorite weapon - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s favorite weapon?

Bow and arrow. She also loves her 4 inch daggers.

Favorite animal - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s favorite animal?

Skia (My own creation)

date_range History
Birthday - When is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s birthday?


Education - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s level of education?

High (she has been alive for a long time and has picked up on many things. She also reads a lot)

Background - What is Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)’s background?

Her mother was nearly due for the birth of her and her brother when the humans began attacking aviates. The children were born and hidden away with a spell cast upon them that left them asleep for 36 years. When they awoke, the only remnants of their race were a few ashes, a few books, and the warrior charged with their protection. He taught them until they surpassed him and on their 18th birthday (the day they halted aging) they descended to the cave. The warrior ended his immortality soon after that and the twins were on their own to search for any more books that could give them more insight of their abilities, and to shoulder the responsibly of being the most powerful things to exist. Because of the destruction of their race, no more generations of twin aviate guardians could be born, and so the twins have been alive for hundreds of years (though they act like 5-year-olds most of the time). She is a provider of valuable advice. There is nothing she won't do if it means the safety of others.
Only her closest friends see her fully which includes crying because baby animals are cute.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

She loves flying. She's been alive longer then your grandma to the power of your mom and yet she will never get old of it. Every morning, and every evening as well, she goes for a flight. She pretends not to feel but she does. She was more than happy when Charlie and Addox became a thing because she loves her brother and they are so dang cute. Her and her brother are like every other pair of siblings, they constantly tease and pester each other. They like to spar, which can go on for hours because they are both stubborn when it comes to loosing to the other, and while they excel in different areas, they are equally OP in general.
If she isn't flying or annoying her brother, she's reading. Sometimes she goes into human markets (or homes) and steals books (she always returns them when she's done, even if there's a doodle on a page or two, or more).
She may not need it, but she loves sleep. Her favorite place is a hammock tied under the floating island. It's where she stores her books (until giving them back)

The magic that her and her brother have is healing magic and materialization (she can make daggers and a bow and arrows).

She wears a slim fitted 1 piece that her pants go over (from around her neck, it goes down in front of her shoulders and wraps around her lower back. The bare back from her shoulders to her lower back is for her wings.) Her pants are long (to the ankle though her leg wraps cover a lot) and breathable and allow easy movement. She wraps cloth around her feet and calves up to her knees. All of this is either a charcoal black or steel grey. (I'll draw it later)

Like most other creatures (other than humans) she hasn't given any thought to sexual orientation, but even if she did she still wouldn't really care. (Best described as ace/aro)

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Aloisia (Ah-loy-see-uh)

This character was created by Natalee on

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