info Overview
Name - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s full name?

Cyrus Whitlock

Role - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s role in your story?

Main character.

Other names - What other aliases does Cyrus Whitlock go by?

They call him a weapon. His combat abilities are unnatural to the human body. Often times his country will use him as bait, a tool, or even a pawn and he's fully aware of all of it.

Gender - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s gender?


Age - How old is Cyrus Whitlock?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Cyrus Whitlock weigh?

235 LBS.

Height - How tall is Cyrus Whitlock?


Hair Color - What color is Cyrus Whitlock’s hair?

A cool brown

Hair Style - How does Cyrus Whitlock style their hair?

Short with long bangs, parted in the middle, unkempt, Messy as if had just taken off his helmet.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cyrus Whitlock have?

Clean shaven.

Eye Color - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s eye color?

Emerald green

Race - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s race?


Skin Tone

Fair, Light olive

Body Type

Muscular, In the fact that he needs to be.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cyrus Whitlock have?

He has a scar over his left eye that leaves the eye itself completely untouched. He also has a scar over his left shoulder which is only an identifying mark for the few who see him with his shirt off.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cyrus Whitlock have?

He stands very still most of the time to preserve his professional posture. However when he gets super anxious, like when he's aim with a riffle and about to take a shot, he'll rub the trigger guard as a way to exert built up energy. {His custom assault riffle has no paint on the trigger guard for this reason}

Motivations - What motivates Cyrus Whitlock most?

This character is war crazy! He loves fighting and training because he feels that's the only thing he's good at and wants to feel needed. [In this case he very much is, which he enjoys. Thus why he's so confident] He loves fighting and being in war yes, but he won't go around starting fights when not deemed necessary. Unless you mess with him or Heather, in that case he'l rip you face off. And he's capable of it too.

Flaws - What flaws does Cyrus Whitlock have?

This character is hot headed. He doesn't get many jokes or references. He's veryyyyyyyyy dense. He fears losing battle but, only to a certain extent. The thing he fears most his losing his loved one, more importantly not being able to protect her. This is mostly why he pursues his ability being as though he wants nothing to do with it or any of his talents.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Cyrus Whitlock have?

He treats people that are unskilled in combat with less respect. not much. but if you know him it's definitely noticeable. He has little patience for people that aren't military oriented.

Talents - What talents does Cyrus Whitlock have?

Very handy with an assault riffle. He specializes in military trained hand to hand combat.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cyrus Whitlock have?

This character loves to hike, swim, and do outdoor activities that push his body. He's always trying to get stronger and faster,

Personality type - What personality type is Cyrus Whitlock?

He's intelligent and witty. He's very snarky and sarcastic but, Extremely strict when he needs to be. He's a Gemini. Some people say they have two sides to a personality. He's sweet, caring, considerate and basically your ideal boyfriend, Well besides the fact that he has probably killed hundreds of people and has the ability to turn his enemies inside out. He's very intimidating just from sight but in reality he's a big softy. He appreciates the little things in life. The thing he desires most is true love. If you pay attention to his actions he's overly formal to women out of respect. His manners are almost from a different time.


He's colorblind. He had a head injure his first year on the force causing him to slightly lose the ability to see the color blue making him color blind to the color blue. This doesn't effect his daily life, he doesn't really need colors and the ones he wants, stayed with him. It's almost like fate knew.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Cyrus Whitlock practice?

this character believes in fate and destiny. You could say he's an atheist. He does worship a god, he doesn't worship anything really he just wants to simply be.

Politics - What politics does Cyrus Whitlock have?

He is the general. He doesn't care about politics that don't have anything to do with him or his soldiers.

Occupation - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s occupation?

This character is a general for the army of his country. He is a special kind of general. For 1. He's 25 so he had to have had something special to get him to this position. and he does. His job gives him income regardless of what he does and half the time he doesn't have to put on a uniform, or even leave his house. But he does of course.

Favorite color - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s favorite color?

coral [told you he was a softy]

Favorite food - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s favorite food?

Ribs... Just ribs.. Lots of ribs...

Favorite possession - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s favorite possession?

He has a ceremonial dagger that he found on a mission. The dagger ended up being forged by a member of his family and belonged to his father. He believes fate put this weapon in his hands.

Favorite weapon - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s favorite weapon?

His custom assault riffle. He uses this baby for everything. Sometimes just to kill a raccoon. [His relationship with his gun is equivalent to that of Dean Winchester and Baby, his Impala]

Favorite animal - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s favorite animal?

tiger [duh]

Job - What job does Cyrus Whitlock have?

General for the Xadia army Xadia

date_range History
Birthday - When is Cyrus Whitlock’s birthday?

June 2nd

Education - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s level of education?

High school diploma... If that

Background - What is Cyrus Whitlock’s background?

He comes from a family that once saved the city that he lives in. His mother and father saved Xadia from tyranny. When he was a boy he would spare with his father and mother. Back in their prime, his parents were adventurers. His father was strong and had a personality much like him. His father could use the ability of fire to boost his strength and confidence while he fought. His mother didn't have a natural ability that was given to her by the arcane nature. But she has the ability to write her own spells and do things on her own. His early life was full of laughs, giggles and play time that is until his mother was killed in an attack on the city. His father went berserk and set off to dedicate his life to kill all that were responsible and those related to the guilty. Cyrus was raised by a female monk named Molly. She taught him to read, write, talk, walk. Everything he is now she is responsible for. She helped him find out what his power his. Something he never really cared to do. He was disappointed to find that his 'ability' was neither control of the most destructive element or being able to cast a spell of his choosing. His ability gave him one choice and one choice only.... join the army. He was forced into the military or face prosecution. Yes everyone had abilities at one point but, that was generations ago the magical energy in each being has depleted exponentially leaving their abilities with the strengths of merely everyday skills. Making the materializers into tailors, the silver-tongues into lawyers, druids into farmers, super speed into Olympic runners and so on. Everyone has forgotten about the concept of magic and 'abilities'. All except for Molly. Molly also knew something helpful. Cyrus's family line can't run out of magical energy because, they make it themselves. Therefore making Cyrus the last human on earth with any mana. Such a shame he doesn't get to use it on some awesome ability like mind reading or fire breathing. All he gets is a boost in physical capabilities. He's stronger, faster, and smarter than everyone on the planet. So he joined the army and what not and it quickly became known that his place wasn't in the low ranks. HE made in known that his place wasn't ANYWHERE that he didn't want to be. Cyrus became a special kind of general. One that didn't take crap from others, it was his way or the highway. This is why many people think of him as harsh, evil, strict. He's all those things but evil. The truth is once you get to know him he's just as cute and sweet as a little bunny.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cyrus Whitlock have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

He has a scar over his left eye

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This character was created by Gracie on

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