Koel - commonly called a storm bird.
errr, Female? ♀︎
"Uh, those are clearly boobs." - Veetra
Midnight Black.
Short, straight. Tapered, longer at the front/top.
Likely none.
Homo Novus - Humans of the new age
Homo Fortis - Homo = of the same, Fortis = Strong, stronger, Strength.
Short, Athletic.
Glowing lightning bolts in their suit, Short Black Hair.
Black, with glowing pastel pinks, purples, and blues.
Superamphiphobic Cotton, so that all liquids roll off her suit and the fabric remains conductive (non-ionic liquids interfere with her ability to control the flow of her electricity). A full-face mask with noise-cancelling features once surrounding sounds break the sound barrier (213 decibels) because lightning travels faster than sound and ear damage is a real thing. Shoulder guards, one larger than the other to act as a shield in one on one combat. Rubber ass boots so that electricity doesn't escape into the earth like lightning is inclined to do. Lots n' lotsa holsters for gadgets and stuff.
Koel can withstand levels of electricity that would kill a normal person. She can Generate static electricity at will, causing thunderstorms. She can also gather energy from current electricity, essentially charging herself.
Koel would remain unharmed from being struck by lightning, or grabbing onto a powerline.
If she doesn't regularly let the electricity flow, Koel essentially overheats, like a laptop. She shows feverlike symptoms, and can accidentally electrocute people.
Humidity can lessen static in the air, most of her storms are dry.
It's easy to shut down security cameras.
Her phone never goes flat, and she doesn't pay for electricity bills.
Can literally joke about feeling sparks with people.
When she's feeling Extra™, Koel likes to let lightning and thunder rumble dramatically behind her to make a dramatic entrance. It takes a lot of practice, but she also likes to do it right after saying something controversial. We Stan.
Can't really hop in public swimming pools, she might accidentally fry everyone. This makes shower sex difficult.
This character was created by sheydog on Notebook.ai.
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