art_track Overview
Name - What is Valerie Anne Dixon’s full name?

Valerie Anne Dixon



Age - How old is Valerie Anne Dixon?


Gender - What is Valerie Anne Dixon’s gender?


add_a_photo Appearance
Body Type

Actor dependant. Ideally, hourglass (but only slightly.)

Hair Color - What color is Valerie Anne Dixon’s hair?

Actor dependant. Ideally, Light Brown

Hair Style - How does Valerie Anne Dixon style their hair?

Mid-shoulder length, slightly wavy. Typically worn down, or in a low ponytail. No bangs.

Eye Color - What is Valerie Anne Dixon’s eye color?

Actor dependant. Ideally, light brown almost amber

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Valerie Anne Dixon have?


Height - How tall is Valerie Anne Dixon?

Actor dependant. Ideally, ~5'7''

Skin Tone

Actor dependant. Ideally, tan, but in a "not enough sunscreen" way

Race - What is Valerie Anne Dixon’s race?


Clothing Style

Modern. Close fit. Bright tops

fingerprint Personality
Personality type - What personality type is Valerie Anne Dixon?

Fiercely independent. Very dominating. Self-centered.

Negative Traits


Motivations - What motivates Valerie Anne Dixon most?


Flaws - What flaws does Valerie Anne Dixon have?

Blind to other people's emotions and needs (like, literally needs it to be spelled out to her before she realizes)

Mental Health

There's a high chance she could be called a sociopath, ngl.

lightbulb_outline Interests
Favourite Colour

Candy red.

Favourite Book

Silence of the Lambs

device_hub Family
favorite Sexuality
Sexual Orientation


Relationship Status



She'd be lying if she admitted she only had platonic feelings for Madi Gibbons

info History
Education - What is Valerie Anne Dixon’s level of education?

High School Graduate

business_center Belongings
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Caelin Wonitoy on

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