info Overview
Name - What is Connor Grayson’s full name?

Connor Grayson

Other names - What other aliases does Connor Grayson go by?


Role - What is Connor Grayson’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Connor Grayson?


Gender - What is Connor Grayson’s gender?

Trans FTM

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Connor Grayson have?


Hair Style - How does Connor Grayson style their hair?

Short (neck length), curly, total disaster

Hair Color - What color is Connor Grayson’s hair?

Pale brown and blonde

Height - How tall is Connor Grayson?


Weight - How much does Connor Grayson weigh?

Around 170 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Connor Grayson have?

Lots of freckles, snake tattoos on his inner forearms

Body Type

Thin but muscular (twunk)

Skin Tone


Race - What is Connor Grayson’s race?


Eye Color - What is Connor Grayson’s eye color?

Grey and ice blue

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Connor Grayson have?



Uhhh none?

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Connor Grayson have?

Drumming fingers/tapping feet, putting a hand on the back of his neck

Motivations - What motivates Connor Grayson most?

Taking care of his dad, keeping the city safe, self preservation, just being able to survive

Flaws - What flaws does Connor Grayson have?

Has a severe inferiority complex that developed into him lashing out at just about everything, low self esteem, feels he always has to be better than everyone else to "prove" himself

Talents - What talents does Connor Grayson have?

Adept in acrobatics, can knock someone out pretty easily, good at baking, skilled in the ways of sarcasm

Hobbies - What hobbies does Connor Grayson have?

Baking, playing video games, sleeping, eating people (it's not his fault tbh), welding, writing

Personality type - What personality type is Connor Grayson?

Always tired, lashes out easily at just dumb things, will swear at everything and everyone, has no idea how to deal with emotions, angsty child

groups Social
info History
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history Changelog
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brush Appearance (Advanced)
brightness_6 Alternate Form

This character was created by _octane_ on

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