account_circle Overview
Name - What is Lily Thyme’s full name?

Lily Thyme

Age - How old is Lily Thyme?


Gender - What is Lily Thyme’s gender?




Role - What is Lily Thyme’s role in your story?

The Chosen One (of sorts)

Other names - What other aliases does Lily Thyme go by?

My flower (by Jacques)
Lil' Herb (by Ginger and Chester)
Pink (by Ash)
Idiot (by Quentin)

face Looks
Race - What is Lily Thyme’s race?


Body Type

Average but a little on the slimmer side

Skin Tone

Fair with slightly pink undertones

Height - How tall is Lily Thyme?

5 foot 6

Weight - How much does Lily Thyme weigh?

11 stone

Eye Color - What is Lily Thyme’s eye color?

Leaf green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lily Thyme have?


Hair Style - How does Lily Thyme style their hair?

Long, straight, up or down, side parting, fringe covering left eye

Hair Color - What color is Lily Thyme’s hair?

Deep red

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lily Thyme have?


camera Clothing
ac_unit Powers/Abilities
shopping_basket Inventory
fingerprint Nature

Insomnia (Human)
Paranoia (Human)
Anxiety (Human)


She's kind and caring to everyone she meets, she believes there is good in everyone she meets and wishes to only see the best of them.
Lily suffers from really bad anxiety, which affects her ability to make decisions, and this has often put her in situations where her life was at risk.

Flaws - What flaws does Lily Thyme have?

She is physically weak, including shortness of breath, which means in a situation where she needs to fend for herself she is pretty much useless and will almost definitely be killed.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lily Thyme have?

None as far as she is aware of.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lily Thyme have?

Helping her friends to do what makes them happy, as this in turn makes her happy.
Painting and gardening.

Motivations - What motivates Lily Thyme most?

(Links to her Goddess form)
What motivates [Lily] most is the hope that one day something will change for her. She doesn't expect anything special but when she wakes up every day, her first thought is 'It will change today, I know it will.' Little does she know (until the end of the series) is that everything that happens to her as a human is according to plan.

Talents - What talents does Lily Thyme have?

None as far as she is aware of.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Lily Thyme’s favorite food?

Anything with strawberries.

Favorite color - What is Lily Thyme’s favorite color?

Green, she thinks she can relate to it being a neutral colour.

Occupation - What is Lily Thyme’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Lily Thyme have?

She doesn't engage with politics too much.

Religion - What religion does Lily Thyme practice?


Job - What job does Lily Thyme have?


Favorite animal - What is Lily Thyme’s favorite animal?

Thylacine and Jackals

Favorite weapon - What is Lily Thyme’s favorite weapon?

Gun or dagger

Favorite possession - What is Lily Thyme’s favorite possession?


Spoken Languages

Ancient Uji
Ancient Felain
Ancient Lazar

date_range History
Birthday - When is Lily Thyme’s birthday?

July 4th

Background - What is Lily Thyme’s background?

[See 'Chrona of Ujiah']

Education - What is Lily Thyme’s level of education?

Lily was home-schooled by Adam.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Lily Thyme have?

A blue jay

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Lily Thyme

Character chevron_right Children link linked Lily Thyme

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Lily Thyme

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Lily Thyme

Lore chevron_right Characters link linked Lily Thyme

This character was created by Lee on

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