info Overview
Name - What is Alex Rayne Conners’s full name?

Alex Rayne Conners

Gender - What is Alex Rayne Conners’s gender?


Age - How old is Alex Rayne Conners?


Role - What is Alex Rayne Conners’s role in your story?

She Hangs out with Lots of people

Other names - What other aliases does Alex Rayne Conners go by?

She was called the problem for a while as a child

face Looks
Race - What is Alex Rayne Conners’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale very pale

Body Type

Very skinny

Weight - How much does Alex Rayne Conners weigh?

90 pounds

Height - How tall is Alex Rayne Conners?


Hair Color - What color is Alex Rayne Conners’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Alex Rayne Conners style their hair?

Short, straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Alex Rayne Conners have?


Eye Color - What is Alex Rayne Conners’s eye color?

Arctic blue

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Alex Rayne Conners have?

Secretly can sing really good

Personality type - What personality type is Alex Rayne Conners?

Shy but will open up eventually

Prejudices - What prejudices does Alex Rayne Conners have?

That ball people are bad people

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alex Rayne Conners have?

Shaking her legs

groups Social
Occupation - What is Alex Rayne Conners’s occupation?

Fast food worker

Favorite weapon - What is Alex Rayne Conners’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Alex Rayne Conners’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Alex Rayne Conners have?

She doesn't have a job

Religion - What religion does Alex Rayne Conners practice?


Politics - What politics does Alex Rayne Conners have?


date_range History
Education - What is Alex Rayne Conners’s level of education?

High school grad

Birthday - When is Alex Rayne Conners’s birthday?

April 10th 2001 11:54am

Background - What is Alex Rayne Conners’s background?

She lived a happy life with her mom and dad till she was 10 then her parents started abusing her for a year then they got caught. They went to jail for 65 years so she is on her own she lives in a shelter. Her sister got adopted within 1 week of being up for adoption her parents only abused Alex and not her twin Lilly because she was depressed. Lilly was always better than Alex and their parents made that known by abusing Alex so yea she is 17 now in high school and Lilly is in a different state And Alex has her own apartment

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Alex Rayne Conners have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes


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