person_pin_circle Overview
Name - What is Pride Godafre’s full name?

Pride Godafre

Other names - What other aliases does Pride Godafre go by?


Role - What is Pride Godafre’s role in your story?

Possible love interest. Princess


The most likely love interest of Elliott. Is the princess of Dividia. Was born as the heir to Lucifer, king of Hells power. This means that although she is female and not the oldest, she is next in line for Dividias throne (Any host of Lucifer has unnatural good looks). Was trained from a young age in politics, magic, and her Demon Kin powers. Her father was quite cruel and as a result, she has covered herself in a hard shell and shuts everyone out, and refused to let anyone get close. She also imitated her father as best she could and was cruel to every one to avoid getting hurt. With the powers of Lucifer, she has Mind manipulation (Not as good as Elliott's) . Her variety of mind manipulation makes it more likely for people to do bad or commit 'sin'. For instance, if she wanted someone out of her way, she would make him do bad, like I want a security guard out of the way. Go leave without telling anyone and drink all night. Boom, shes in. She can also summon the black wings of Lucifer and fly. She can also manipulate light. Like she could remove all the light from one place and it would be completely dark. Or she could make a flash of light to stun her enemy's.

Age - How old is Pride Godafre?


Gender - What is Pride Godafre’s gender?


sentiment_very_satisfied Looks
Height - How tall is Pride Godafre?

62" ( taller than average)

Hair Color - What color is Pride Godafre’s hair?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Pride Godafre have?

Has a scar on her back caused by her father

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Pride Godafre’s race?

Demon Kin

Eye Color - What is Pride Godafre’s eye color?

Crystal blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Pride Godafre have?


Hair Style - How does Pride Godafre style their hair?

Long hair, straight


School uniform (Second year is green) For uniform specifics look at Elliott

Weight - How much does Pride Godafre weigh?

102 lbs

flash_on Nature
Talents - What talents does Pride Godafre have?

Very good in almost any kind of combat

Stupidity Level




Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Pride Godafre have?

Acts snooty whenever she feels uncomfortable

Motivations - What motivates Pride Godafre most?

Her drive to someday get her father back for the cruel training he put her through

Flaws - What flaws does Pride Godafre have?

Immediately lashes out and acts rude when anyone is nice to her

Prejudices - What prejudices does Pride Godafre have?

Her father and those he considers friends

Hobbies - What hobbies does Pride Godafre have?

She likes to paint though she won't admit this to anyone.

Personality type - What personality type is Pride Godafre?

She is kind, but in order to fight off pain she lashes out at anyone who tries to be kind to her. Hides her feelings behind sharp words

groups Social
Job - What job does Pride Godafre have?


info History
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
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flare Magic
Character chevron_right Children link linked Pride Godafre

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This character was created by JC on

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