info Overview
Name - What is Carissa Kuronas’s full name?

Carissa Kuronas

Age - How old is Carissa Kuronas?


Gender - What is Carissa Kuronas’s gender?


Role - What is Carissa Kuronas’s role in your story?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Carissa Kuronas have?

Scars on her arms due to usage of her ability.

Weight - How much does Carissa Kuronas weigh?


Height - How tall is Carissa Kuronas?


Hair Color - What color is Carissa Kuronas’s hair?

Light brown

Hair Style - How does Carissa Kuronas style their hair?

Wavy Side Ponytail With Side Bang

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Carissa Kuronas have?


Eye Color - What is Carissa Kuronas’s eye color?

Natural- Hazel
After reviving Zatoi- Grey

Race - What is Carissa Kuronas’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Thin for her age

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Carissa Kuronas have?

Agile and quite physically strong. Has a good memory.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Carissa Kuronas have?

Spending time in her field. Exercising with Cameron and his friends. Painting.

Personality type - What personality type is Carissa Kuronas?


Motivations - What motivates Carissa Kuronas most?

Safety. She doesn't concern herself with the future and deals with things as they happen.

Flaws - What flaws does Carissa Kuronas have?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Carissa Kuronas have?

Is judgemental against the wealthy regardless of their nature.


"Mentally weak"

After overusing her ability to revive Zatoi, Carissa's mind was damaged. She can't handle extreme emotions or complicated problems. She'll often blank out, either standing or sitting.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Carissa Kuronas have?

Talks slowly, pausing every now and then to collect her thoughts.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Carissa Kuronas’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Carissa Kuronas have?

She works at a convenience store.

Religion - What religion does Carissa Kuronas practice?

Carissa was raised under catholicism. She isn't a strong believer but sometimes she says a quiet prayer before bed.

Occupation - What is Carissa Kuronas’s occupation?

She works at a convenience store.

Favorite color - What is Carissa Kuronas’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Carissa Kuronas’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Carissa Kuronas’s favorite possession?

Her hairbrush

info History
Education - What is Carissa Kuronas’s level of education?

High school graduate

Birthday - When is Carissa Kuronas’s birthday?


Background - What is Carissa Kuronas’s background?

Carissa was raised in Yanis. A small town in the far east. Her father discovered she had an ability and tried to sell her off to some gangsters. He changed his mind at the last minute but the gangsters killed him and her mother. Her adopted brother, Zatoi, tries to intervene but is also killed.

Carissa unknowingly discovers a loophole in her ability and revives Zatoi. Zatoi, now immortal, saves her from the gangsters.

Carissa and Zatoi traveled alone for a few weeks before being taken in by Reynold. They stayed with him in Flora. Eventually, Zatoi left without a word. Carissa remained at Flora.

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