Solea Pfeiffer
She’s Jamie’s “Solaylay”.
She’s always wearing a little mascara and some reddish-pinkish lipstick.
Chocolate brown
Long hair, wavy
A white and blue ombre long-sleeved shirt and light blue jeans. Sometimes she might wear a light blue hoodie on top that says "I'm cold and I'm small".
Basketball (she just recently picked up shooting hoops and not missing), writing, drawing, acting, playing the piano.
Sighing a lot because her insides feel stuffy and overwhelmed if she doesn’t, talking to herself, talking with her hands and then stuttering for the last half of her thought because she can’t think of anything to say.
Surviving high school, world peace, and to be the best person she personally can. Also to get the string.
If someone upsets her or talks down to her in the slightest, she has a very rash temper and jumps to conclusions too quickly. She hates it when people try to state the obvious (like if someone cheated in a basketball game and she got mad and they tell her "Solea... chill, it’s just a game!”)
Solea’s the type of person who doesn’t just talk to people expecting a response, but pre-planning out how the interaction is going to go in her head and aiming to have the most meaningful exchange of emotions/ideas possible. She’s a little forgetful and impulsive, but she tries to be as responsible with things sense she can. She’s usually very happy on the outside and it takes literally nothing to crack her up and send her laughing on the floor. However, she’s also had a very dark past and had to rise above it by herself.
Cotton candy
Her phone
She can see valid arguments for both sides.