info Overview
Name - What is Kaspian Ya'Lil’s full name?

Kaspian Ya'Lil

Gender - What is Kaspian Ya'Lil’s gender?

Cisgender Male

Age - How old is Kaspian Ya'Lil?

Twenty Five

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Kaspian Ya'Lil’s hair?


Height - How tall is Kaspian Ya'Lil?


Weight - How much does Kaspian Ya'Lil weigh?

165 lbs

Skin Tone

Naturally tan, warmed to a golden shade of caramel by the sun that beats down overhead.

Race - What is Kaspian Ya'Lil’s race?

Sand Elf

Eye Color - What is Kaspian Ya'Lil’s eye color?

Dark brown, almost black, surrounded by smoky kohl pigment to protect his eyes from the glare of desert sands.

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Kaspian Ya'Lil have?

Whittling, playing the ocarina,

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chat History
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history Changelog
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This character was created by Valerie on

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