Adam the Wild
a member of the elite nine and of the Colosseus tribe
around 3000
Leaf green
Broad shouldered and muscular
A tattoo on his right arm that resembles a vine and spirals up it
about 1000lb
About 40ft
Light brown
Jagged spiked hair (not like a mowhawk)
he is deaf and instead has to rely on his other senses
introvert, thinker, observant, tall, brooding, quiet, and loner
observing nature, meditating, and playing with woodland animals
listening, working with animals, and magic
hes not good at being social the only person that he talks to is Emma, dead
to defend the remainder of the giant race
giants educate their young in combat so he has full giants eduacation
he came from the Colosseus tribe to protect the land from the coming evil
elven wood hammer