info Overview
Name - What is Blair Kroba’s full name?

Blair Kroba

Role - What is Blair Kroba’s role in your story?

Main character/Protagonist

Age - How old is Blair Kroba?


Gender - What is Blair Kroba’s gender?

cis boy

Other names - What other aliases does Blair Kroba go by?

BB, Basil,

face Looks
Skin Tone

Cool-toned light, not deathly pale but lighter than Camden Diaz

Race - What is Blair Kroba’s race?

Asian?? idk hes been genetically modified so I guess hes half-Scorch beast half-Asian?

Eye Color - What is Blair Kroba’s eye color?

Black/Dark brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Blair Kroba have?


Hair Style - How does Blair Kroba style their hair?

Short in the back with longer bangs and sides. Kinda a bowl cut but he does part it sometimes, he kinda looks like a kpop star

Height - How tall is Blair Kroba?


Hair Color - What color is Blair Kroba’s hair?

Dyed lavender, his black roots are coming through

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Blair Kroba have?

Wears contacts and glasses. Ears, septum, and tongue pierced, thinking of getting his nipple done too.

Body Type

Not tiny but small, has muscles but little to no fat. Thighs and legs for days tho

fingerprint Nature

Feels legit every emotion, very heart on his sleeve type person
Kinda apathetic? yet very sympathetic?? idk he's a mess but he tried his best
Not really a blunt, cold hard truth type guy. He has more a caring honesty? like he'll tell you things how it is but he's nice and kind about it.
Overly worried, has really bad anxiety that makes him a real big Mom FriendTM
Bottles things till he explodes, not like the won't accept help or thinks he's above it, it's more he doesn't realize there are people who will help him? and he doesn't realize that all he has to do is ask?? Camden Diaz is helping him work on it.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Blair Kroba have?

He rolls everything when he's annoyed lmao, he rolls his eyes, his shoulders, his wrists, his tongue, his neck. Its pretty funny
He just sleeps when he's overwhelmed, it's unhealthy but it's better than a lot of other things he could do instead.
legit only ties his shoes once, then just shoves his feet into and out of them, Camden is horrified and its the main reason Blair keeps doing it. ps he only wears low-top shoes so he can successfully do this

Motivations - What motivates Blair Kroba most?

He really just wants someone to love him, and it takes a long time and a lot of stupid shit happening for him to realize that he's always had someone by his side who does.

Talents - What talents does Blair Kroba have?

Is? weirdly good at finding things at thrift stores?? like he gets things that normally cost like $100 in top condition for like $6 at GoodWill, Camden Diaz thinks it's witchcraft and that he's cheating.
Tarot card reading, he's really good at it and is almost always with his readings.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Blair Kroba have?

Embroidery, he likes to pick up old things from thrift shops and make them cool again with different embroidered things.
Art, he makes his own tarot decks. He has around 6 and has made Camden like 3.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Blair Kroba’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Blair Kroba’s favorite animal?

Lizards and skinks

Favorite weapon - What is Blair Kroba’s favorite weapon?

Pocket knife when he's pretending to be a civilian, but he likes to use his powers when he can

Favorite possession - What is Blair Kroba’s favorite possession?

He doesn't really have a lot, the money he gets from his mom is barely enough for him to get the necessity. I guess it would just be the little he has to perform witchcraft, his herbs and chalk, and crystals and all that.

Politics - What politics does Blair Kroba have?

Independent, kinda democrat because they support witchcraft more then republicans but he sees good and bad points on both sides

Religion - What religion does Blair Kroba practice?

Pagan-ish, Wiccan-ish.

Job - What job does Blair Kroba have?

He works at a bookstore with his super friend bonnie



Romantic Experience

Hes been in a couple of relationships, but none of them have been that long or serious.
The only real boyfriend hes had is Onix, and they ended because they used to go to the same high school and dated while Blair was a sophomore and Onix was a senior and Onix decided they should break up because of him graduating and then they ended up getting into a bog fight and really hurting each other.

Sexual Experience

Has lost his virginity but has only had sex like 3 times, and they were all with Onix. Has given blowjobs and handjobs to the few boyfriends he has had though.

Favorite color - What is Blair Kroba’s favorite color?


info History
Education - What is Blair Kroba’s level of education?

Highschool Senior

Background - What is Blair Kroba’s background?

His mother was extremely emotionally, and sometimes physically, abusive. She believed that it was his fault that his dad left and that they got a divorce. When he was about 12 she met another man that she started to date, gradually Blair never saw her at home for more than a couple of minutes and all she ever did was yell at him. Around 2 years later, Blair was 14, they got married, and his mother officially moved out of the house. Blair went through all of high school living on his own, his mother sending him a monthly allowance to live.

device_hub Relationships
Pets - What pets does Blair Kroba have?

[[Creature-20176]], was given to him by Camden Diaz for his 16th birthday because Camden was worried about Blair getting lonely during winter break

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Kaii Golden on

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