account_circle Overview
Name - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s full name?

Ezekiel Jackson Smith

Gender - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ezekiel Jackson Smith go by?

He prefers to be called Jackson; Nel frequently calls him Jax; his aunt and his sister calls him E.J.

Role - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Ezekiel Jackson Smith?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s hair?

Jackson has black hair

Body Type

Jackson has a very athletic body with lean muscles and toned legs.

Skin Tone

Jackson has dark brown skin with warm undertones.

Race - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s race?

African American

Eye Color - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s eye color?

He has light brown hooded eyes.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ezekiel Jackson Smith have?


Hair Style - How does Ezekiel Jackson Smith style their hair?

His hair is cut short and is regularly trimmed.

Weight - How much does Ezekiel Jackson Smith weigh?

Jackson weighs 185lbs.

Height - How tall is Ezekiel Jackson Smith?

He stands at 5"7

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s favorite weapon?

"What?! Listen.. Nel.. we reaally don't have to get violent."

Jackson honestly doesn't like to fight. But for those he cares about.. he'll punch a bitch to death.

Favorite possession - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s favorite possession?

A baseball cap his father gave him when he was six.

Favorite food - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s favorite food?

Jackson's a sucker for Cookies 'N Cream ice cream.

Favorite color - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s favorite color?

Jackson finds something peaceful in the color purple.

Occupation - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s occupation?

Jackson works part-time at the local Dairy Queen. He also mows the lawn for two of his neighbors($20.00 each)

Religion - What religion does Ezekiel Jackson Smith practice?

AGNOSTIC: Jackson's parents were Christian and he regularly went to church with them. But after the passing of his father and the falling out with his mother God just seemed like a cruel being. So he doesn't want to believe any God would allow such things to happen, but he doesn't dis-believe in God either.

Job - What job does Ezekiel Jackson Smith have?

Jackson works part-time at the local Dairy Queen. He also mows the lawn for two of his neighbors($20.00 each)

info History
Education - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s level of education?

Jackson is currently a junior in high school.

Background - What is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s background?

Jackson has gone through a lot in his childhood. His father, whom he looked up to with great fondness, died horribly when him and his father were out one day celebrating his birthday and their car crashed. Jackson escaped with few minor injuries. After discovering the the news, his mother, whom he never really had the best relationship with, was devastated. She constantly blamed her son for his father's death and Jackson, being only a child, believed it. He thought that maybe if he hadn't insisted on getting ice-cream that night his father would probably still be alive, and his mother wouldn't hate him so much. Jackson had to deal with his mother's degrading for five months before his aunt from his mother's side decided it would be best if he lived with her. Living with his aunt proved to be a good choice for him: where he seemed to be failing every class at his old school, he began making B's and a few A's; he found it easier to talk to his peers although he couldn't really make a true friend, and his aunt scheduled his therapy sessions that helped him grieve his lost companion. But when he turned fourteen, his aunt had to leave the country for work related reasons and would be away for some years which meant Jackson had to return to living with his mother. Living with his mother again was an easier ride than before, but it would obviously be a while before he and his mother could actually bond together. Not only that, but there was a new addition to the family: his mother had adopted a little girl.

Birthday - When is Ezekiel Jackson Smith’s birthday?

February 23, 2002

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Personal
Marital Status


World View

Hey, bad things are going to happen. It is what it is.

Self Satisfaction

If Jackson was asked to rate his self confidence on a scale of one to ten, he would probably say: "Mmm...maybe a seven?" Jackson is fairly sure of himself, but oftentimes find that he has some doubts about his capabilities.

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This character was created by K.B. on

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