info Overview
Name - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s full name?

Mary sharon Antijunti

Other names - What other aliases does Mary sharon Antijunti go by?

mom, momma, mommy

Role - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s role in your story?

main protagonist

Age - How old is Mary sharon Antijunti ?


Gender - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mary sharon Antijunti have?


Hair Style - How does Mary sharon Antijunti style their hair?

bob curl

Hair Color - What color is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s hair?

dark dirty blond

Height - How tall is Mary sharon Antijunti ?


Weight - How much does Mary sharon Antijunti weigh?

175 lb

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mary sharon Antijunti have?

four beauty marks on her chest

Body Type

a little big, but very curvy

Skin Tone

light pink and slightly tan

Race - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s race?


Eye Color - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s eye color?

Sky blue

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Mary sharon Antijunti ?

very bubbly and happy most of the time, and a very doting and kind person and mother.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mary sharon Antijunti have?

she moves her hands around when she talks, whenever she sings she gets a far away look in her eyes, she is a very fast walker, she will sometimes jump up on to high places without realizing it, when nervous she starts moving her hands in a pattern similar to moving knitting needles/ sewing

Motivations - What motivates Mary sharon Antijunti most?

keeping her children safe

Flaws - What flaws does Mary sharon Antijunti have?

pretty weak, not very independent, wears too many heels, no idea how to survive in a forest

Prejudices - What prejudices does Mary sharon Antijunti have?

racist, homophobic, hates men

Talents - What talents does Mary sharon Antijunti have?

she can run really fast in heels, baking, cooking, chopping zombie heads, singing, talking, gossiping, sewing, knot untying

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mary sharon Antijunti have?

cook, sing, read, swim,

groups Social
Job - What job does Mary sharon Antijunti have?

Stay at home mom

Favorite animal - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s favorite possession?

red heels

Favorite food - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s favorite color?

dark blue

Occupation - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Mary sharon Antijunti have?


Religion - What religion does Mary sharon Antijunti practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s birthday?


Background - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s background?

she met Harold in high school when she was 16, he was 17 at the time, and as soon as she turned 18 they got married. they had their first child when she was 20 a young boy, their second when she was 22 a little girl and the third when she was 25 once again a little girl. she raised the kids as a stay at home mom, and her husband worked at a packaging company nearby. Harold starting taking the drug as soon as it came out, and the side affects hit him like a truck.

Education - What is Mary sharon Antijunti ’s level of education?

finished high school

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Mary sharon Antijunti have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Ashley Kent on

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