info Overview
Name - What is Ross Nielsen’s full name?

Ross Nielsen

Age - How old is Ross Nielsen?


Gender - What is Ross Nielsen’s gender?


face Looks
Body Type

Evan Jennings

Skin Tone


Race - What is Ross Nielsen’s race?


Eye Color - What is Ross Nielsen’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ross Nielsen have?


Height - How tall is Ross Nielsen?


Hair Color - What color is Ross Nielsen’s hair?

dirty blonde

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Occupation - What is Ross Nielsen’s occupation?


info History
Background - What is Ross Nielsen’s background?

      Him and his sister's parents were druggies, and didn't have a very good home life or environment. When Ross was 11, his father was drugged out and drunk when he tried to rape Ross's older sister, Freyja. Ross tried to grab a hold of him and pull him off of her, but that just angered his father. He pinned him against the wall and began to choke him before his mother pulled him away.

Ross had to go to the hospital with a crushed windpipe and damaged voice box. While there, he was on oxygen, and when he was released, he had to have an inhaler with him for 14 months.
After the police report, Ross and his sister were sent to live with their grandparents, who were Danish immigrants. Living with them, they learned to speak Danish pretty fluently, but not as well as their grandparents.
Ross, on the other hand, couldn't speak verbally at all. He severely lost his voice after the incident with his father, and had to go to therapy to try and get it back. After months of barely any improvement, they couldn't afford it anymore, so they gave up on it. Ross instead learned sign language. Freyja learned it as well to be his translator.
Now unable to speak normally, he was bullied throughout school and faced many difficulties with group work, projects, presentations, substitutes, and just communicating in general. Much to his embarrassment, Freyja followed him everywhere in public so she could help him. After they were both out of high school, they even lived in the same apartment.
Ross is currently going to college, majoring in engineering. He works as a mechanic in a local car garage.

Education - What is Ross Nielsen’s level of education?

currently in college

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shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Extra Family

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