Isaac Elliott
Minor character (protag)
Muscular, rather thick but not fat
Short, thin
Beard, short
Forest green
195 pounds
73 inches
Scar on the cheek from a sport
Though some might not consider this a flaw, Isaac is generally too accepting and trusting. This can be very dangerous, especially in the time they live in since someone could be a Death Eater in disguise. He can also be annoying childish at times.
Typically pretty healthy
Isaac is typically pretty good-humoured and helpful, though he can be stubborn when it comes to his opinions. He is very creative and loves to put together pretty decorations for the holidays.
Isaac likes to listen to the radio, especially if a sports game is on. He loves to read and run, though he doesn't do either very often. Yardwork is relaxing for him, so he likes doing that as well.
Isaac is a skilled endurance runner, though he doesn't do it very often. He is also good at speaking in hilarious accents.
Isaac doesn't really have any prejudices.
Isaac is motivated by a love for his family, which got him into quite a few scrapes at school. He also loves to prove others wrong.
Isaac often cracks his arms by extending them rapidly to the side. He also cracks his knuckles constantly, driving his wife insane. When he's sitting at a table or by a counter, his fingers are usually drumming on the surface.
Graduated high school
Graduated college
July 8, 1942
Isaac was born into a normal Muggle family. He met his eventual wife in college and proposed during their second year. They were married only months later.
His son and daughter were born a few years later. Liam began to do weird things from an early age and Isaac eventually is told that Liam is a wizard and will be attending Hogwarts.
Store manager
Photograph of his family
Store manager