info Overview
Name - What is Kestrel al'Tava’s full name?

Kestrel al'Tava

Gender - What is Kestrel al'Tava’s gender?

Cisgender Male

Other names - What other aliases does Kestrel al'Tava go by?


Kestrel – ( ) Named after the Kestrel falcon. Chosen to mean 'To soar'.
Name – ( ) Name.
al'Tava – ( ) Name.


Name Name –


Kes, used by his friends

Role - What is Kestrel al'Tava’s role in your story?

The Ingenue || Protagonist


Dancer & Rogue

Age - How old is Kestrel al'Tava?

Beginning of the Story – Twenty Two

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Kestrel al'Tava style their hair?

Kestrel's face is framed with curls of a Botticelli angel, full of loose and wild waves that come to rest on his shoulders.

Hair Color - What color is Kestrel al'Tava’s hair?

His hair is the pale yellow of twinkling candlelights, almost white with the faintest hint of flax.

Height - How tall is Kestrel al'Tava?

5'7" (170.18 cm)

Weight - How much does Kestrel al'Tava weigh?

132 lbs (60 kg)

Skin Tone

Kestrel's skin is fair and roseate, not unlike the petals of cherry blossom trees or pink champagne. His complexion hides nothing, a rampant flush betraying both his affection and his anger despite how desperately he tries to maintain an aloof facade. A terrible sunburn during Kestral's infancy triggered a skin condition known as vitiligo, causing his skin to mottle with pale, almost white, patches of skin not unlike the spots on a puppy.

Race - What is Kestrel al'Tava’s race?


Eye Color - What is Kestrel al'Tava’s eye color?

Opalescent gold. Like a chameleon Kestrel's eyes never look the same twice, with flecks of colors that wax and wane with the light of the day.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kestrel al'Tava have?


fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Kestrel al'Tava most?

In the moment Kestrel is driven by survival impulses – Where will I stay tonight? How will I eat? Am I safe? Need he sing, dance, or steal he'll do what he must to get what he needs.

Above all, Kestrel wants to know true freedom. He no longer wants to pander to the fantasies of those rich enough to afford his trade, rather longing to see the world and all the people in it.

Though he is reluctant to admit it to himself, deep down, Kestrel desperately wants to meet his mother. He wants to show her what she gave up, who she left behind, he wants to know if he looks like her, if she loves him. Kestrel refuses to let himself dream of meeting his father, he hardly knows where his mother lives now, let alone if she would know where his father was now.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kestrel al'Tava have?

Kestrel is inherently distrustful of humans – he's met many a lovely one, but countless more that were cruel. Though he doesn't hate humans, when he meets one he's inclined to believe they look down on him regardless of what they truly think. He's been spat at, slapped, turned away, jeered at, and abused at their hands, but what truly wounds him is knowing his human mother abandoned him at birth just for being a Tiefling.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Kestrel al'Tava’s favorite animal?

Kestrel has a soft spot for birds, as a child he dreamed of being able to fly away on a whim and see the world.

Favorite weapon - What is Kestrel al'Tava’s favorite weapon?

Scimitar & Khanjar Dagger

Favorite color - What is Kestrel al'Tava’s favorite color?

Gold. As a waif he watched his adoptive mothers dance before crowds in gilt dresses that shimmered with each step and sway – dreaming that one day he might be able to do the same. As he grew he soon learned how beautiful the flash of a golden coin in a stranger's hand could be, how easy it was to lift from an unsuspecting pocket, and how proud his mothers were of him when he brought them what he picked and pilfered during their nightly performances. Even now his appreciation has grown deeper still, after all it is gold that brought him his freedom. The men who paid for his attention sought his affections as well, draping him with glittering jewels and shining trinkets, gifts he squirreled away without the knowledge of his proprietor as he bade his time. Once he earned enough to support himself, Kestrel made his escape and has never looked back.

Occupation - What is Kestrel al'Tava’s occupation?

Formerly – Courtesan & Dancer
Currently – Pick Pocket & Street Performer

Politics - What politics does Kestrel al'Tava have?

At this point in his life Kestrel has little interest in politics unless it involves a handsome politician showering him with gifts or secrets. He has been sheltered from the world at large and the going ons in it and is rather naive despite also being quite jaded.

Religion - What religion does Kestrel al'Tava practice?

Kestrel is irreligious, but curious.

chat History
Birthday - When is Kestrel al'Tava’s birthday?

The 31st day of Evening Star (December 31st).

Education - What is Kestrel al'Tava’s level of education?

Kestrel has never been able to attend any kind, his "guardian" never wanted to give him the tools he needed to stand on his own. One of the dancers who raised him, however, taught him basic reading, writing, and arithmetic in secret. Though he has little in the way of a formal education he's quick to learn and voraciously curious, when he has the chance to discover something new he pounces on it.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Kestrel al'Tava have?

Rosalie – Bourke's Parakeet. Kestrel spotted Rosy in the market stalls, cooped up in a cramped cage as she nursed along an injured wing. Something in Kestrel identified with the little bird, the longing to be free, the hurt, and that day he devised a plan to steal her. With naught but a bit of distraction while he used his tail to open her cage Kestrel managed to slip the bird into his pocket right in front of the vendor selling her. Kestrel takes care of Rosalie like she's his baby, feeding her before himself, tending to her wounded wing, often coddling her with toys and treats. Slowly but surely she has regained her ability to fly, yet she never leaves Kestrel's side and is content to sit on his shoulder instead of embracing freedom.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
format_quote Questions

The Sunlands – Octopath Traveler ( )
Memories of Dust – NieR:Automata ( )


This character was created by Valerie on

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