info Overview
Name - What is Ummashtart’s full name?


Age - How old is Ummashtart?

unknown- appears to be mid teens to early twenties

Gender - What is Ummashtart’s gender?


Role - What is Ummashtart’s role in your story?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Ummashtart’s eye color?

black and green

Hair Style - How does Ummashtart style their hair?

Long hair, straight, sometimes in either a bun or ponytail

Hair Color - What color is Ummashtart’s hair?

Raven black

Height - How tall is Ummashtart?

Again, this is unknown about her, but it can be assumed that she is around 156 cm

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ummashtart have?

Her left eye is emerald green, while her right is black.

Body Type

She is/was lean and fragile looking, though as a peasant she was also fairly toned, having worked in a field many days at a time in her life.

Weight - How much does Ummashtart weigh?

unknown, though given the time she lived in, it is not uncommon to assume she was around 80-100 lbs

Skin Tone

Olive toned. At least, thats what can be assumed given where she is from

Race - What is Ummashtart’s race?


fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Occupation - What is Ummashtart’s occupation?


Religion - What religion does Ummashtart practice?

She was a follower of Ishtar/Astoreth/Inanna/Astarte

info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

There seems to be a connection between Ummashtart and the Witch of the Mist, Blaire Deigh
Blaire Deigh

folder_open Sleeping Habits

This character was created by Nelkere on

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