info Overview
Name - What is Duncan’s full name?


Role - What is Duncan’s role in your story?

Villian. He believes he's doing at least something right.

Age - How old is Duncan?


Gender - What is Duncan’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Duncan have?

Light stubble.

Hair Style - How does Duncan style their hair?

Short white floofy hair.

Hair Color - What color is Duncan’s hair?

Old man white with some grey.

Height - How tall is Duncan?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Duncan have?

He has white hair from old age and will always be seen wearing a suit. He wears small frames glasses as well.

Body Type

He isn't thin and he isn't fat. No abs or any of that. He's basically just... normal.

Skin Tone

White man with a tan.

Race - What is Duncan’s race?

He is Scotish/British.

Eye Color - What is Duncan’s eye color?

Dark brown. Just pools of brown.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Duncan?

Sadistic man who always believes he's right. He believes humans are above all and that the hybrids are just a cause of fear.

Motivations - What motivates Duncan most?

The safety of the humans.

Flaws - What flaws does Duncan have?

He's not the perfect man he thinks he is.

Talents - What talents does Duncan have?

He's able to trick and manipulate people with ease.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Duncan have?

He likes playing chess and going on walks (with bodyguards.) Likes going to fights as well.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Duncan practice?


Favorite possession - What is Duncan’s favorite possession?

His pocket watch. His father gave it to him before he passed away later that night.

Favorite food - What is Duncan’s favorite food?

He just eats everything. He's not picky.

Favorite weapon - What is Duncan’s favorite weapon?


Favorite color - What is Duncan’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Duncan’s occupation?

Boss man of sector Twenty-Four

Politics - What politics does Duncan have?

Humans have rights but hybrids are lowly garbage.

info History
Birthday - When is Duncan’s birthday?

September 28,

Education - What is Duncan’s level of education?

Private schooling.

Background - What is Duncan’s background?

His father was killed by a creature and he doesn't even know what creature. His father was planning on bringing the creatures out into the light and someone didn't agree so had him killed. The son learned and continued with his father's plan in a way. His father wanted peace and he wanted revenge.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Duncan have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

He's a major asshole.


This character was created by Olive Bird on

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