info Overview
Name - What is Raine Anne Abuel’s full name?

Raine Anne Abuel

Role - What is Raine Anne Abuel’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Raine Anne Abuel?


Gender - What is Raine Anne Abuel’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Raine Anne Abuel go by?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Raine Anne Abuel have?

No facial hair

Hair Style - How does Raine Anne Abuel style their hair?

Semi short - can place hair behind ears
dirty blonde

Hair Color - What color is Raine Anne Abuel’s hair?

hair is naturally blonde-ish brown but is semi dyed lavender.

Height - How tall is Raine Anne Abuel?


Weight - How much does Raine Anne Abuel weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Raine Anne Abuel have?

3rd gen mark is located on neck. very visible.

Body Type

lean and toned.
Toned thighs and legs

Skin Tone

peachy tone

Race - What is Raine Anne Abuel’s race?

white (French/Spanish nationality)

Eye Color - What is Raine Anne Abuel’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Raine Anne Abuel have?

Raine has prejudices over people who protest with violence. he never genuinly got along with April until further into the story.
Raine also has prejudice over those betray their "kind" like his father who is a superhuman himself But works with the human goverment for a cure of theses abilities and mutations.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Raine Anne Abuel have?

Raine is very well known for being very caring and thoughtful. That was one of the things that irked venus in the beginning.
Raine has a very maternal sense of personality. he's constantly checking up on his friends and willing to protect and care for them.
He's also quite shy. Raine also holds a lot of innocence. Ofc course hes done somethngs to himself.... but never with others.

further into the story Raine loses a lot of his innocence through the things hes witnessed and had to do. He mans up very well and becomes less cowardly and more stern.

Motivations - What motivates Raine Anne Abuel most?

Raine as a young child has always had the motivation to change the world. his mother was an activist throughout her life and stopped after the birth of Raine. Raine was exposed to the activism and grew up doing it himself.

Seeing as how superhumans were taught to hate their differences. He hated the idea. He wanted everyone just like himself to be able to embrace their uniqueness instead of trying to hide it. He pity’s his father. For hating his uniqueness and helping the normals find a cure for something that doesn’t need one.

Working very hard to get to cloverfield crossway Uni. Where the largest group of peaceful activists meet up. Once he got himself there he really began his protesting.

Flaws - What flaws does Raine Anne Abuel have?

******Raine can sometimes be a hypocrite. He fights for everyone’s rights but won’t sympathize with others who have betrayed them. Like his father. His father does the things he does because he wants a better future for his people. Even with money and residing in the normal society raines father is limited and trapped by the government.

Talents - What talents does Raine Anne Abuel have?

uh he runs track. he goes nyoom. he very fast.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Raine Anne Abuel have?

loves to read and write. does track at cloverfield crossway uni.

Personality type - What personality type is Raine Anne Abuel?

******Books smart but not street smart. He grew up in very rich neighbor hood.
He’s got a soft personality. but he can and will roast you on the spot.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Raine Anne Abuel’s favorite food?

Greasy foods!
he rarely gets a taste of greasy foods because of track.

Occupation - What is Raine Anne Abuel’s occupation?

College student.
Studying literature arts.

Job - What job does Raine Anne Abuel have?

Unemployed. Supported by father.

info History
Education - What is Raine Anne Abuel’s level of education?

Attends CloverField Crossway University

Birthday - When is Raine Anne Abuel’s birthday?

oct 27th

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