info Overview
Name - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s full name?

Hoshino Mizuki

Age - How old is Hoshino Mizuki?

✰ 16

Gender - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s gender?

✰ Female

Other names - What other aliases does Hoshino Mizuki go by?

✰ Hoshi (Just a shortening of her last name. She prefers people call her by this.)

Role - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s role in your story?

✰ Protagonist

Romantic Preference

✰ Thinks she's straight, but she's only ever had romantic feelings for females.

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s eye color?

✰ Dark violet

Hair Style - How does Hoshino Mizuki style their hair?

✰ Shoulder-length, slightly wavy

Hair Color - What color is Hoshino Mizuki’s hair?

✰ Mauve

Weight - How much does Hoshino Mizuki weigh?

✰ 54 kg. (120 lbs.)

Height - How tall is Hoshino Mizuki?

✰ 165.9 cm (5'4")

Clothing Style

✰ Typically wears skirts and dresses
✰ Likes to accessorize with bows, headbands and various kinds of jewelry.
✰ If an article of clothing features anything space-related, she will wear it.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Hoshino Mizuki have?

✰ Is double jointed in both legs, and arms.
✰ Has a beauty mark on the back of her neck.

Body Type

✰ Delicate
✰ Triangle body type
✰ Breasts are very underdeveloped for her age.
✰ Has thin shoulders, but slightly wider hips.
✰ Thin arms

Skin Tone

✰ Fair
✰ Has freckles over the bridge of her nose

Race - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s race?

✰ Human-- Japanese

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Hoshino Mizuki have?

✰ Talented at astrology and reading horoscopes.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Hoshino Mizuki have?

✧ Gestures ✧

✰ Rocks on heels when she's excited.
✰ Puts a hand to her face when lying.
✰ Nose wrinkles a bit at the bridge when disgusted or grossed out.
✰ When bored, she wanders around, often getting lost.

✧ Beliefs/Habits ✧

✰ Late to everything
✰ Avoids cracks/gaps in floors and concrete.
✰ Believes in luck.
✰ Daydreams often.
✰ Must sleep with the lights on and with a stuffed toy.
✰ Talks in her sleep occasionally.

✧ Speech/Conversation ✧

✰ Easily distracted during conversation
✰ Spaces out and stares after someone is talking for a while
✰ Pauses often during conversation
✰ Tells random 'stories', often having little meaning, moral or relevance to the previous conversation.
✰ Laughs to herself randomly and for (seemingly) no reason.
✰Extremely gullible and impressionable.
✰ Very Superstitious.

Motivations - What motivates Hoshino Mizuki most?

✰ Motivated by others' struggles. Wishes to help others desperately.

Flaws - What flaws does Hoshino Mizuki have?

✰ Idealistic
✰ Too selfless
✰ Sensitive
✰ Perfectionist
✰ Fluctuating self-esteem
✰ Struggles with hard decisions.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Hoshino Mizuki have?

✰ Idealistically believes that as long as everyone is willing to put aside differences, any goal can be reached and everyone can become friends.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Hoshino Mizuki have?

✰ Enjoys astronomy, baking and fortune telling.

Personality type - What personality type is Hoshino Mizuki?

✰ ENTJ, The "Protagonist" Personality.

✰ Hoshi is a charismatic, tolerant and selfless girl, who is a natural-born leader. She is empathetic, polite and very reliable.

Deepest fear

✰ Hoshi's deepest fear is unsolvable conflict and discord between friends.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s favorite food?

✰ Yakitori

Favorite animal - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s favorite animal?

✰ Sheep

Favorite possession - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s favorite possession?

✰ A charm bracelet given to her by her late mother.

Favorite color - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s favorite color?

✰ White

Occupation - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s occupation?

✰ Astrologist

Religion - What religion does Hoshino Mizuki practice?

✰ Refuses to associate with religion.

info History
Background - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s background?

✰ Hoshi had been a child born out of wedlock, a sin of the worst kind in her family's religion.

Her father, Nakai Kojiro and her mother, Yasuda Misoka had sexual relations without their parents' knowledge. And they had seemingly gotten away with it as well, until they found out that Misoka was pregnant with his child. Misoka and Kojiro were only 16 and 17 respectively, and neither knew what their families would do if they were to find out.

They planned to run away together to Kanazawa, a small town about five hours north of Kagoya, Japan and abort the child when they got there. However, their parents caught them in the midst their plans, found about their unborn child and furious, forbade the two from seeing each other again. Misoka begged for an abortion, but her family was unwilling and forced her to keep the baby.

Kojiro was disowned afterwards and thrown out of the house. He soon after committed suicide. Misoka, alone and distraught, attempted to follow suit, but her attempt was thwarted by her mother.

Misoka was then monitored constantly, making sure that no harm was to come to the child she carried, but the mother herself bore the shame of the situation.

She eventually came to term and gave birth to a baby girl, which she named Hoshino Mizuki. Misoka hoped that by changing the child's surname, she would be spared the shame of being known as the daughter of Yasuda Misoka. She had grown to love her daughter, but Misoka's mother took Hoshi away three weeks after she was born and then proceeded to throw Misoka out of the house.

Misoka was now alone, her lover dead, her family hating her and her only daughter stolen from her. She committed suicide, joining her beloved Kojiro.

Hoshi grew older, being raised by her strict grandparents, who told her about the fates of her parents, but changed the story significantly to prevent from her following in their footsteps. Hoshi was sworn into their religion before she could even talk, and kept away from anyone who their grandparents deemed as a threat to her 'purity'. Be it people who were not members of their religion, or any male apart from family members.

Hoshi was homeschooled up until the age of twelve, and was never allowed to play video games, or own any electronics, so she spent a lot of time in her backyard, at night looking and drawing charts of them., and during the daytime, reading books under a willow tree.. Despite what some may think, Hoshi was actually quite happy in this life of hers.

When she was twelve, her Grandparents sent her to boarding school, because they believed that they had taught her enough the standards of purity to become, as they put it, 'A rose among a garden of weeds.'

At this school, she made many friends, but the most notable time during her time there was a festival at their school, and two of her closest friends suggested having a fortune-telling booth. Through this project, Hoshi began learning about Astrology, and it was this that sparked her love for the subject. During the festival, she gave out startlingly accurate horoscope readings, and their booth was one of the most popular the entire week the festival went on. This was the start of her career as an Astrologist, and what caused her to be sought out by a talent scout at 16, representing a school where only the best were admitted.

Deepest Secret

✰ Her parents were underage when they had her.

Social Class


Education - What is Hoshino Mizuki’s level of education?

✰ 3/4 ways through High-school.

Birthday - When is Hoshino Mizuki’s birthday?

✰ March 30th

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This character was created by L.C Hawthorne on

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