Zoe Grace Iero
Zoe, Zo, Lovebug(Frank), Babe(Gerard), Blackheart.
Main character/Gerard's Girlfriend
A scar on her forehead from when she accidentally got hit in the head with a guitar. A skull on her neck. Scars from fights
Very skinny and short.
Pale white almost vamperick
Baby blue
Long hair, straight, purple running into mint.
65 pounds
Energetic and bubbly.
Music and her older brother.
Very tender-hearted. Easily jealous.
Singing, playing guitar, and writing. She loves to sing and play guitar. Her brother tought her how to play guitar. She just picked up writing.
Very energetic. Very smart but hides it. Very bubbly for an emo. A lot like her brother.
She lived in New Jersey with her brother, Frank, in till she was 16, when she was 16, she moved to Florida. She got in to a lot of fights when she was a kid and still has scars from it. Her brother took care of her when she was a kid.
This character was created by I Love Brendon Urie ||-// on Notebook.ai.
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Black and red.
Monkies. When she was little she loved Curious George.
Her black and purple guitar and her gold heart necklace.
Musician and author.