info Overview
Name - What is Marvin Dowdle’s full name?

Marvin Dowdle

Age - How old is Marvin Dowdle?


Gender - What is Marvin Dowdle’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Marvin Dowdle go by?

curly fries (friends)

Role - What is Marvin Dowdle’s role in your story?

main character

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Marvin Dowdle have?


Hair Style - How does Marvin Dowdle style their hair?

short hair that's long and really curly piled on top, but buzzed on the sides and back

Hair Color - What color is Marvin Dowdle’s hair?


Height - How tall is Marvin Dowdle?

5' 7"

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Marvin Dowdle have?

a piece of lead in left palm and scar on left knee

Weight - How much does Marvin Dowdle weigh?


Body Type

kind of a rectangle shape with small hips, small shoulders, long arms and legs, oval face

Skin Tone


Race - What is Marvin Dowdle’s race?


Eye Color - What is Marvin Dowdle’s eye color?

grayish green

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Marvin Dowdle?

quiet and shy, is too loud on their opinion and can't always seem to get it together, INTP


anxiety and depression

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Marvin Dowdle have?

-less empathetic when tired, nervous, confused, or angry
-rubs back of neck when thinking
-bites tongue when not trying to speak when over excited

Motivations - What motivates Marvin Dowdle most?

fear of rejection, their own brain yelling at them, making their friends proud

Flaws - What flaws does Marvin Dowdle have?

speaks opinion too much, too quiet, stubborn, has barely any morals or empathy left, can and will argue about everything, is described as a general headache

Prejudices - What prejudices does Marvin Dowdle have?

people who waste time, close-minded people, popular people

Talents - What talents does Marvin Dowdle have?

can pick up any kind of craft ,that isn't drawing, easily

Hobbies - What hobbies does Marvin Dowdle have?

knitting, origami, gardening, crochet, cross-stitch

groups Social
Job - What job does Marvin Dowdle have?


Favorite animal - What is Marvin Dowdle’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Marvin Dowdle’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Marvin Dowdle’s favorite possession?

copy of Edgar Allen Poe stories

Favorite food - What is Marvin Dowdle’s favorite food?

mashed potatoes

Favorite color - What is Marvin Dowdle’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Marvin Dowdle’s occupation?

high school student

Politics - What politics does Marvin Dowdle have?


Religion - What religion does Marvin Dowdle practice?

still exploring

info History
Education - What is Marvin Dowdle’s level of education?

currently in high school

Background - What is Marvin Dowdle’s background?

Marvin was born into a small family, with a twin brother, Ryan and an older sister, Emily. Marvin never got along with their siblings, always fighting, with Emily and Ryan always making sure that Marvin knew of everything they did wrong. hen their grandfather died their wold kinda started to crumble away. They drew back even more and started trusting people less and less, something they always had a problem about. Marvin always had a small group of friends, but never really talked to them about things bothering them because it always felt ‘selfish’. Currently Marvin is doing well in school, but not well enough to reach their parents standards. While out to friends, Marvin is still not out to their family and is afriad of getting kicked out of the house if they come out.

Birthday - When is Marvin Dowdle’s birthday?

October 3

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Marvin Dowdle have?

A betta fish named Rodney

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Other things

-Small rectangular glasses
-Plain grey sweater
-White button up
-Lightish-blue jeans
-dark brown hiking boots

Sexual and romantic orientation

asexual and biromantic

Psych (their mind)

acts really nice and happy but is kind of shut up and doesn't talk about their feelings much

Nickname Origin

curly fries because of their curly hair


This character was created by Suspicious Reptiles on

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