info Overview
Name - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s full name?

Kai Ali'ikoa
(Sea King)

Other names - What other aliases does Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) go by?


Role - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s role in your story?

Best friend of Wren. Leader of hybrids.

Age - How old is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)?


Gender - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) have?


Hair Style - How does Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) style their hair?

Short, wavy

Hair Color - What color is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s hair?

Dark Brown

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) have?

Webbed fingers, scaled legs, webbed ears, and gills on his neck.

Body Type


Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Race - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s race?

Hawaiian merman hybrid

Eye Color - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s eye color?

Dark brown

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)?

He's a very open person and doesn't normally get mad. Normally goes with the flow and just does things for survival.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) have?

He'll rub at his webbed hands when he's thinking or worrying.

Motivations - What motivates Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) most?

Saving the hybrids.

Flaws - What flaws does Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) have?

Has to have Wren to help him lead.

Talents - What talents does Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) have?

Standing strong.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) have?

Surfing and swimming.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) practice?


Favorite possession - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s favorite possession?

His necklace.

Favorite food - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s favorite food?

Loco moco

Favorite animal - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s favorite animal?

Hawksbill sea turtle

Favorite weapon - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s favorite weapon?


Favorite color - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s favorite color?

Ocean Blue

Occupation - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King) have?


info History
Birthday - When is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s birthday?

August 18,

Education - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s level of education?


Background - What is Kai Ali'ikoa (Sea King)’s background?

Grew up in Hawaii before he was shipped to Sector Twenty-four. There, he met Wren and became a public figure.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

He never wanted to become the leader of the rebellion. It just kinda happened when he started screaming his believes at hateful humans. Many hybrids heard and started looking towards him as a head of their cause. Wren is basically his right hand man and secretly helps Kai make up his indecisive mind.

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This character was created by Olive Bird on

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