info Overview
Name - What is Ceri Archer’s full name?

Ceri Archer

Role - What is Ceri Archer’s role in your story?

Main character

Magic Type


Age - How old is Ceri Archer?

15 (At beginning)

Gender - What is Ceri Archer’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ceri Archer go by?

Ceridwen (Magic/True name)
Archer (Cover Name)

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Ceri Archer style their hair?

Shoulder length, wavy, usually wears it down.

Hair Color - What color is Ceri Archer’s hair?

Light brown (#AA7A0E), then she gets Purple (#A147E4) streaks

Height - How tall is Ceri Archer?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ceri Archer have?

Freckles (#CEA46D) only on her face, absolutely no skin blemishes or anything anywhere else

Weight - How much does Ceri Archer weigh?

Surprisingly little

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Ceri Archer’s race?

Faery Changeling (Originally thought to be human by everyone including herself)

Eye Color - What is Ceri Archer’s eye color?

Hazel (#B78A0A,#877602 and #4C2B00)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ceri Archer have?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Ceri Archer have?

Reading quickly, remembering facts, analysing and manipulating people, helping others with their problems

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ceri Archer have?

Cool, usually seems very calm despite the situation, clicks fingers when nervous/worried/thinking, struggles in conversations and social situations unless manipulating people

Motivations - What motivates Ceri Archer most?

Ceri wants to know and understand how everything works, especially the unusual, bizarre or magical. She craves knowledge and wants to learn about magic and be able to do it. She also aims to protect her friends.

Flaws - What flaws does Ceri Archer have?

Pessimistic, occasionally condescending, bit of a know-it-all, prone to anxiety, socially awkward, unusually irresponsible and risky sometimes when it comes to learning more.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ceri Archer have?

Hates ignorance, bigotry and lying. Not deceit, just straight out lying. She keeps her word and hates when others break theirs.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ceri Archer have?

Reading, Blogging, talking to her online friends, finding out more about magic, exploring and mapping the nearby forest

Personality type - What personality type is Ceri Archer?

Ceri is very logical and often gets frustrated when people or things don't make sense. She enjoys finding patterns and rules in things, as well as just finding out and knowing more about everything. She has a slightly dark sense of humour, but her friends appreciate it. While she's logical Ceri is very creative too, as long as things fit with what she knows to be true and generally makes sense to her.




Lawful good, she aims to be kind to people in general and sticks to a strict personal code, however she will break the law when it appears to be the most logical course of action.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Ceri Archer’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Ceri Archer’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Ceri Archer’s favorite weapon?

Magic rounders bat

Favorite possession - What is Ceri Archer’s favorite possession?

Her laptop, rounders bat or hagstone necklace

Favorite food - What is Ceri Archer’s favorite food?

Candy canes,


Occupation - What is Ceri Archer’s occupation?

Magical Scholar, student

Religion - What religion does Ceri Archer practice?


Job - What job does Ceri Archer have?

While she has no job, around school Ceri is known for being the person who can solve people's problems. In exchange for all sorts of things (Secrets, food, books, anything she decides is a fair price) she'll help them to solve their problems. She can manipulate people, find loopholes in rules, and talk people out of trouble like nobody else. She may not be popular, but she's well known.

info History
Education - What is Ceri Archer’s level of education?

Studying GCSEs, self taught about magic

Background - What is Ceri Archer’s background?

While she was close to her parents when she was younger, her introversion and their busy lives as doctors mean that she's independent of them most of the time.

Her parents both had part-time jobs when she was younger, but once she could look after herself they got their full-time jobs as doctors back. They care about her lots and are always there for her, but as introverts also they understand that she likes to be alone often and don't intrude.

She's good at evading their questions about what she does outside of school, but they know more than she thinks they do. They don't worry about her too much because they know she's sensible.

Birthday - When is Ceri Archer’s birthday?

January 18th

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ceri Archer have?

Only Pun ( pretending to be a cat.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
wc Clothes

Ceri usually wears purple or yellow. She's always wearing her pastel purple shorts (She has six pairs exactly the same). She likes wearing tshirts with pictures/slogans and jackets. She has a purple leather jacket and a dark purple long coat. At school she wears her uniform with her coat.


Ceri doesn't go to formal events very often, so she only has one formal outfit. It's a simple yellow dress, and she wears it with one of her jackets usually.

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This character was created by Lottie M on

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