info Overview
Name - What is Elle’s full name?


Gender - What is Elle’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Elle go by?

Ellie, Robin (codename)

Role - What is Elle’s role in your story?

Main character, Assassin storyline

Age - How old is Elle?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elle have?

A tiny birthmark below her right eye, although you'd only notice it if you looked close enough

Body Type

Lean, she's quite muscular but you wouldn't be able to tell at a first glance.

Height - How tall is Elle?

157 kg

Hair Color - What color is Elle’s hair?

Ginger, a mixture or orange and red

Hair Style - How does Elle style their hair?

Her hair just reaches her shoulders so it's usually down. It's wavy/curly and she sometimes puts it up in a tiny ponytail (which usually proves fruitless as it just falls out).

Eye Color - What is Elle’s eye color?

Forest green

Race - What is Elle’s race?

Human, white

Skin Tone


Weight - How much does Elle weigh?

55 kg

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Elle have?

Easily bored: Elle tires easily; be it of a task, an object, or a person. If something or someone isn't simulating enough, she'll quickly discard it. Because she's such a quick thinker, people can have trouble keeping up and this annoys Elle to no end. She has trouble understanding how people can be so, in her opinion, slow and stupid. She has little patients for "stupid" people. If she doesn't get more or less constant stimulation of some sort, she'll become bored and get incredibly frustrated (unless she quickly finds something else to do).

Very competitive: She both hates and loves to be challenged; put more accurately, she loves the challenge but hates to lose. She can become quite condescending in a debate and she can be very harsh; she never sugar coats things and if she's in an argument she can be truly nasty. Everything to win, more or less. She especially doesn't like it when her ideas get challenged and questioned; this is when she'll show the worst side of herself and be outright nasty/mean.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Elle have?

Elle is a very objective person, seeing everything filtered through a layer of facts. As such she doesn't hold any prejudices in the sense that she puts any value into assumptions she makes about people. She does, however, make a great lot of assumptions, partially because it's a part of her job as an assassin and partially because her brain automatically takes in and store as much information about people as it possibly can.

Talents - What talents does Elle have?

Analyzing everything and everyone. See literally any other tab in this section.

Excellent marksman: She's great with different types of firearms. Technically, she probably would have made a better sniper than a gunman, but she's always preferred the sense of a gun and the closeness to the target it automatically brings. She prefers the feeling of shooting a gun (essentially, shooting a gun gives her a higher adrenaline rush than shooting a rifle, meaning she's slower to tire of it).

Hobbies - What hobbies does Elle have?

Elle is the person who could do math for fun. She absolutely loves to play games with herself and challenge herself for fun; can I prove this formula, can I hit this target with my eyes closed, etc etc. She likes to read, both novels and factual books.

She plays the piano to relax her mind. She's become quite good at it over the years, since she first discovered how she could use it to "disconnect" her brain for a little while. Generally she's very fond of classical music, but any other instrument she's tried has just not worked with her, at all.

Personality type - What personality type is Elle?

Elle is extremely intelligent, to the point where other's might have trouble keeping up with her. She has a very analytical mind and goes on with her life almost like she was playing a game of chess; every move is carefully calculated (and always calculated several moves ago), but it's also just a game. She's great at seeing patterns and putting one and two together, which can make her invaluable both in the field and during preparation work. For example, she'll be quick to note patterns in a targets daily life, even smaller things that would take longer for someone else to notice. She's quick to analyse people and often notices small details about them that would otherwise go unnoticed; this also enables her to quickly make highly accurate assumptions about the person.

With the right person, Elle can be an absolute delight to have around. If someone manages to keep up with her, or at the very least attempts to instead of just shutting off without attempting to understand her, they'd get to see a gimps of both her intellect but also the person behind the brain. Elle can be a very sweet and caring person, but this is directed to a very limited number of individuals. Once she open herself to someone, they find a charming and funny person behind the rejecting genius. She's good to discuss things with; she's honest, open mined, and very imaginative. Again, this is only shown to a very limited number of individuals, and most back off before even trying.

Planned character development

Gaining better understanding of human emotions and how what she says can be hurtful; attempting to change this and become more considerate towards her fellow Nightingales (not necessarily towards others...)

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Elle’s favorite weapon?

SIG Sauer p226 .40S&W

Religion - What religion does Elle practice?


Occupation - What is Elle’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Elle’s favorite color?

Black, khaki and green

Favorite food - What is Elle’s favorite food?


info History
Education - What is Elle’s level of education?

Full assassin education

Background - What is Elle’s background?

Robin was left at the doorstep of one of the orphanages connected to the Academy when she was a few months old. The caretakers couldn't determine her exact age but guessed she was born roughly six months before; placing her birthday in December/January (hence her birth year is unknown as well as her birthday). Not was left to hint towards her heritage or name. She had an L embroidered on her clothes; her caretakers simply called her L for a while, eventually just settling for calling her Elle.

Birthday - When is Elle’s birthday?

Sometime in December 1997 or January 1998

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Trivia
Hogwarts House


Favourite tv-series

She doesn't watch tv-series.

Favourite movie

Hachiko and War Horse

(She prefers movies set in the real worlds and movies based on actual persons/events.)

Favourite artist and song

She likes classical music, especially Beethoven and Tchaikovsky

Star sign




Middle Name

Never had one.

Languages Spoken

English and a some Spanish

(Languages are not her strongest point.)

folder_open Relationships

Jonah: In the beginning, Jonah and Robin get on each other's nerves constantly. Robin finds him annoying and rude; Jonah thinks she's arrogant and full of herself. They're constantly at each other's throats, arguing over the smallest detail of a plan. Both are equally stubborn and refuses to let the other win, as well as to try and see things from the other's point of view. This gradually changes and they begin to cooperate better, eventually turning their fighting into friendly teasing and banter.

It should be noted that Jonah sort of gave Robin her identity; he was the one to suggest Robin as a name for her, even if he was a dick about it at the time. For Robin, this is huge. She grew up without a sense of belonging and without knowing who she truly was; Jonah helped her find that by suggesting Robin as her name.


This character was created by Anna on

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