Henrietta Caliditas
Heat, Flame, Henry
One of the Seven Sisters
15 in the first book, seventeen in the last.
Short and spiked
She has a small scar near the left end of her bottom lip, from when she fell out of a tree and bit it (though she claims it's from a ninja fight).
Overconfidence, too trusting, always looking for a fight.
Reading, listening to music, starting controlled fires.
Heat can control temperatures, and can create fire or ice by raising or lowering the temperature in a small point until the air bursts into flames or freezes. The flames are, in addition, subconsciously sustained and contained by magic. She can also use basic magic abilities such as energy blasts (which she doesn't use because she doesn't need extra offensive magic abilities), and Messages. She can also combine her power with Water and Life's to create a special move they call "Super Ice!" because they're dorks. When Water summons a lot of water, and heat freezes it around their opponent. However, they do need the enregy that Life provides to do it.
Doesn't trust cops. HATES demons.
Protecting her friends back home, and now her new friends in the Sisters.
She slouches, smirks, and makes small, casual gestures when she talks.
From texas, family in Ohio. Her and her three best friends formed a "gang", but it's mostly just them pretending to be tough, giving themselves dumb nicknames, and running around disregarding the social order, but not rules. Henry always had a small obsession with fire, and her nickname was Flame. Directly before the events of the first Seven Sisters book, she was in ohio visiting her family, and had brought along her best friend. However, she left her other friend and her boyfriend in Texas.
Up until sophomore year.
Not Present
This character was created by Elizabeth on Notebook.ai.
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On the Green Shadow's side.