info Overview
Name - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s full name?

Lily Michelle Cardilux

Other names - What other aliases does Lily Michelle Cardilux go by?


Role - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s role in your story?

One of the Seven Sisters

Gender - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s gender?


Age - How old is Lily Michelle Cardilux?

14 in book one, 16 in book three

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Lily Michelle Cardilux style their hair?

Long hair, straight, with bangs

Hair Color - What color is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s hair?

Light blonde

Height - How tall is Lily Michelle Cardilux?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lily Michelle Cardilux have?


Body Type

Skinny, roundish build

Skin Tone

Tannish white

Race - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s race?


Eye Color - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s eye color?

Emerald green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lily Michelle Cardilux have?


Weight - How much does Lily Michelle Cardilux weigh?


fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Lily Michelle Cardilux have?

Thinks she’s worth less than others, stubborn, gets down on herself.

Personality type - What personality type is Lily Michelle Cardilux?

She’s very optimistic looking at other people’s lives or outside events, but pessimistic in regards to herself. She is very outgoing and eager, but liable to blame herself if something goes wrong, even if it’s very obviously not her fault. Ridiculously attached to her twin sister Debra, and slightly less so to the other Sisters. Very sweet and likable.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lily Michelle Cardilux have?

She likes to draw, sing, and play with her friends

Talents - What talents does Lily Michelle Cardilux have?

She can use her element to self heal, form it into an orb or beam to heal others, or use it to energize others. It works best without having to use and orb or beam and simply having physical contact. She can also bring inanimate objects to life. In addition, she is skilled at manipulating basic magic abilities, such as separating her magic from her element to form an energy shield or simply being very adept at using energy blasts. She can also use Messages.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lily Michelle Cardilux have?

Doesn’t really like boys

Motivations - What motivates Lily Michelle Cardilux most?

Keeping her friends safe, protecting earth

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lily Michelle Cardilux have?

Stutters when nervous, walks with a bounce in her step, smiles a lot, extreme optimist

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s favorite possession?

Stuffed dog that she used to sleep with. It matches Debra’s.

Religion - What religion does Lily Michelle Cardilux practice?

She knows about Shadows and the Four Realms

Politics - What politics does Lily Michelle Cardilux have?

On the side of the Green Shadow

Occupation - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s favorite weapon?

Her energy bursts.

Favorite animal - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s favorite animal?


info History
Birthday - When is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s birthday?

August 7

Background - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s background?

Nothing exciting. Parents are married, lives in a small town in east Texas, shares a room with her twin sister.

Education - What is Lily Michelle Cardilux’s level of education?

Up to her freshman year of high school

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Lily Michelle Cardilux have?


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history Changelog
edit Notes
import_contacts Book
A Convenient Name

Not Present

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