info Overview
Name - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s full name?

Genevieve Brayen Everlest

Age - How old is Genevieve Brayen Everlest?


Gender - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Genevieve Brayen Everlest go by?

The Queen
Queen Genevieve

Role - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s role in your story?

Anti hero

face Looks
Height - How tall is Genevieve Brayen Everlest?

5'7, typically wears heels so appears 5'8-6'0

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Genevieve Brayen Everlest have?

Brayen has a tattoo of a mermaid tail on her tongue to signify her magical ability as a siren. She also has huge scars along the right side of her face, making her right eye blind.

Body Type

Brayen's body type is very petite and skinny. She almost never eats, so she is very bony. She is slightly toned from all of her magic training, but for the most part looks unimposing stature. This is based on body type alone. Her RBF could kill a man.

Skin Tone

Extremely fair, Irish but with no freckles

Race - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s race?

Human, Greek

Weight - How much does Genevieve Brayen Everlest weigh?


Eye Color - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s eye color?

Ice blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Genevieve Brayen Everlest have?


Hair Style - How does Genevieve Brayen Everlest style their hair?

Varies, always done up in different styles (curls, fancy up dos, etc). Length is just above shoulders with a semi-right part. Barely anyone sees her hair though as she always wears a veil in public.

Hair Color - What color is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s hair?

Raven black

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Genevieve Brayen Everlest have?

She likes to write her own songs and play the piano. Or at least she did before she was queen. Now she spends most of her free time in her study obsessing over ways to get revenge through means of magic.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Genevieve Brayen Everlest have?

Her quirks are very difficult to see as she strives for perfection (and hates herself), while her royal training helps her hide herself well. However, when she's uncomfortable she clutches pendant her brother gave to her before he went off to war. She snorts when she laughs. When she's anxious or upset or angry she'll dig her nails into her hand or bite the inside of her cheek. When annoyed uses lots of hand motions. Whenever she sees her plans pay off she gets a dubious glint in her eyes and a big smirk.

Motivations - What motivates Genevieve Brayen Everlest most?

Revenge, protecting those she cares about, wanting a deep connection with someone

Flaws - What flaws does Genevieve Brayen Everlest have?

Attachment issues. To become Queen she had to sacrifice most of her good relationships, so whenever she feels love for someone she tends to latch on and become very possessive. She tends to ignore emotions (pain and love being the big ones) and uses magic and physical pain as a way to avoid them. Extremely low self esteem that makes her feel as though she isn't deserving of anyone's love. She has a major temper, and her emotions tend to cloud her judgement, making her very rash.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Genevieve Brayen Everlest have?

Doesn't trust anyone, especially if they seem to want to help her or show her kindness. HATES all marionettes.

Talents - What talents does Genevieve Brayen Everlest have?

A very good singer (duh she's a siren). A good liar, especially under pressure. Though this is negative, is very good at shutting people out or driving them away (emotionally). She's a natural athlete, and was very good with horses.

Personality type - What personality type is Genevieve Brayen Everlest?

Type A. Right brain thinker. Before the tragedy, she had a very hard time containing her emotions, and would ignore most logical thought in favor of them. Now, she's so emotionally broken and full of rage that killing or other's suffering doesn't phase her. She undoubtedly makes decisions based off of emotions, even though she doesn't realize it. This is what makes her so dangerous, she's entirely unpredictable and is able to understand what moves will break her opponent emotionally. She attempts to put up a mask of apathy and coldness, and for the most part it works, but a select few are able to see the cracks through it. These few she will protect with fierce determination, and is very jealous of their relationships with others.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s favorite animal?

None. She doesn't like animals as they tend to make her feel a burst of love, and then immediately after a burst of self hatred. Before the tragedy, she would always be fascinated by the wolf howls, and still reserves a respect for them.

Favorite weapon - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s favorite weapon?

She prefers to fight with her magic but in no magic combat training she prefers a dagger. Specifically the one Montus gave her.

Favorite possession - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s favorite possession?

Her pendant, a silver chain with a pearl attached. The pearl was one her brother found and had it fashioned into a necklace for her.

Favorite food - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s favorite food?

She doesn't like the taste of anything anymore, but back when she did she has a MASSIVE sugar problem. She would sneak down to the kitchens to snack on the desserts the cooks were making. Her favorite was snicker doodle cookies.

Favorite color - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s favorite color?

Ice blue, but also has a particular fondness for pale green, as that was her brother's favorite color/eye color.

Occupation - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s occupation?

Queen of Lybera

Politics - What politics does Genevieve Brayen Everlest have?


Religion - What religion does Genevieve Brayen Everlest practice?

No formal religion, but believes there are gods, and believes they have cursed her since the day she was born.

info History
Education - What is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s level of education?

Formal education. Since she was born royal she has had the best education money could buy. Except for magic. Magic was taught to her by her brother, who was self taught.

Birthday - When is Genevieve Brayen Everlest’s birthday?

The winter solstice
December 21st in our calendar.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Backstory
- {:age=>"How old is %{name}?", :other_names=>"What other aliases does %{name} go by?", :background=>"What is %{name}’s background?", :birthday=>"When is %{name}’s birthday?", :bodytype=>"What is %{name}’s body type?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :education=>"What is %{name}’s level of education?", :eye_color=>"What is %{name}’s eye color?", :facial_hair=>"What facial hair does %{name} have?", :favorite_animal=>"What is %{name}’s favorite animal?", :favorite_color=>"What is %{name}’s favorite color?", :favorite_food=>"What is %{name}’s favorite food?", :favorite_possession=>"What is %{name}’s favorite possession?", :favorite_weapon=>"What is %{name}’s favorite weapon?", :flaws=>"What flaws does %{name} have?", :gender=>"What is %{name}’s gender?", :hair_color=>"What color is %{name}’s hair?", :hair_style=>"How does %{name} style their hair?", :height=>"How tall is %{name}?", :hobbies=>"What hobbies does %{name} have?", :identifying_marks=>"What identifying marks does %{name} have?", :job=>"What job does %{name} have?", :mannerisms=>"What mannerisms does %{name} have?", :motivations=>"What motivates %{name} most?", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?", :occupation=>"What is %{name}’s occupation?", :pets=>"What pets does %{name} have?", :politics=>"What politics does %{name} have?", :prejudices=>"What prejudices does %{name} have?", :race=>"What is %{name}’s race?", :religion=>"What religion does %{name} practice?", :role=>"What is %{name}’s role in your story?", :skintone=>"What skin tone does %{name} have?", :talents=>"What talents does %{name} have?", :weight=>"How much does %{name} weigh?", :personality_type=>"What personality type is %{name}?", :conditions=>"What physical, mental, or other conditions does %{name} have?"}

Genevieve's story begins when she was 15 years old. She was born into the royal family of Lybera, where magic was strictly forbidden and punishable by death. Her mother and father, King Ares and Queen Amala , would argue constantly behind closed doors, then act as if they were the ideal couple in front of the nation. Her brother, Prince Tyrus was first in line for the throne, meaning she had the inevitable fate of being married off somewhere. This unavoidable fact and her parent's aggression made her lash out. She would scream at her servants, refuse to attend social gatherings, and throw tantrums whenever she was forced into anything she didn't have a desire to do. Her parents were appalled by her behavior, and would lock her in her room for hours. Her brother would ignore her at all times. This is when she discovered music. She had a piano in her room, and out of sheer boredom one day she decided to play. She absolutely adored it, as it had a therapeutic effect. Her behavior started to slowly improve, starting with her relationship with her servants. She became fond of a marshal named Montus (father figure) who taught her how to fight, ride horses, and would occasionally take her with him on trips into town. It was at this point where she wanted to be called Breyan, not Genevieve. One day when she was playing, she decided to try and write her own song. She sang about a lonely wolf in the woods, as they had always fascinated her. A wolf suddenly appeared in her bedroom and attacked her. It passed right through her and then evaporated. Her guards came rushing in, and after assessing the room went over to council her. A guard was sent to find Montus. Soon after Tyrus came in and dismissed the guards. He had ran into the guard and said he would handle the matter. He actually seems concerned about her. She explains that she was playing her piano when a wolf appeared, lunged at her, then passed through and disappeared. Tyrus explained that she was using magic, and showed her his tattoo on his under lip. She looked in the mirror in her chambers and saw she had the same tattoo on her under lip. He explained that because he was magical and wasn't sure if she was, he had to stay away from her. For her protection if she did, for his protection if she didn't. But he didn't have a choice now, if her powers were starting to manifest he had to teach her how to control them, otherwise they could both end up in serious trouble (they didn't know what kind of trouble since it was illegal but they were part of the royal family they just knew it would be bad). From that point on Tyrus and Breyan trained together in secret. Breyan ADORED magic. Though Tyrus tried to get her to only use it while training, she would use it whenever she could. She would sneak down to the kitchens magically disguised as a maid and steal pastries. After a successful heist, she ran into (literally) Montus. She tried to slink off, but Montus was suspicious. He asked her a couple questions nonchalantly, and then Breyan was like NOPE and ran off. Montus caught her and was like my job is to catch magic users that try to infiltrate this castle you'd think I'd know what signs to look for. Then Breyan shifts back into herself and is like WAIT NO. Montus is shocked, but quickly recovers. He's like okay confession time I'm part of a group of magic user sympathizers called the Sorcerers so whenever a magic user comes here I give them food and tell them about magic refugee camps (cause they're just there to steal stuff so they can provide for their families or themselves), so I won't turn you in. So Montus then taught them how to avoid detection, and made sure that Tyrus's and Breyan's training sessions remained a secret. The maid that Breyan impersonated was sacked for stealing food (which Breyan felt HORRIBLE about) but the maid was given a pardon by Tyrus. A new maid promptly replaced her, who Breyan swore to be nice to. Her name was Fray, and the two instantly hit it off. Breyan was going to turn 16 in two weeks. A ball was to be held to celebrate her coming of age to marry. Her parents called in to the throne room, where the King of Vinjuria, Benedict, was waiting. He introduced himself, and explained how his wife, Queen Eveline, had recently died at the hands of a rebel group called the Socerers. Due to the laws of the monarchy, if a royal is over a certain age with no spouse or blood related heir they must step down in favor of one who does. The rebel's planned to use this in order to gain control of the government. However, if he had a spouse, he could keep control and defeat this uprising. King Ares then tells her that he has given King Benedict permission to ask for her hand in marriage at her birthday ball. This alliance would greatly benefit them, King Benedict had promised tariffs on goods from Lybera would be removed, and a sum of gold would given immediately after the ceremony. King Benedict leaves, and Breyan tries to protest. They get into a fight because he won't address her as Brayen. At the end he yells "You ,Princess Genevieve, will marry King Benedict and let this stupid insolent girl Breyan die." Breyan is suuuuuper pissed. In her room, she's slashing pillows when she realizes, "I don't have to marry the king if there's no king to marry". So she goes to Montus and asks him to let her join the rebel group. Montus is very hesitant, but evantually agrees, making her promise she won't tell Tyrus he let her join. Montus takes her on one of their "day trips" but in actuality takes her to the rebel headquarters. Breyan is shocked that the rebels are present in Lybera. She thought they were constrained to Vinjuria. There were families and magical refugees that the Sorcerers were taking care of. They went to find Octavius, the head mage of the camp. They found him in tent talking to a a young girl around Breyan's age. They were arguing about something but abruptly stop when they notice they had an audience. Montus asks O'hara (the girl) if she could give them a moment. O'hara glares at Octavius and is like our discussion will continue before walking out. Montus introduces Breyan as the princess of Lybera. Octavius is sussed out before Montus tells him that she and her brother are sirens. Breyan had offered her services and knowledge of inside politics towards overthrowing King Benedict. Octavius is like holy crap this is perfect. If we overthrow the king here, and then just let Tyrus inherit the throne with the promise he will liberate all magic users, we can free everyone.

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