info Overview
Name - What is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s full name?

April Harley Beck Shepherd

Age - How old is April Harley Beck Shepherd?


Gender - What is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does April Harley Beck Shepherd go by?

Mrs. April (by students), Mama (by Lydia), Lil (by Duncan)

Role - What is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s role in your story?

Supporting character

face Looks
Eye Color - What is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s eye color?

Ice blue

Height - How tall is April Harley Beck Shepherd?


Hair Color - What color is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s hair?

Blonde with natural caramel highlights

Hair Style - How does April Harley Beck Shepherd style their hair?

Long and wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does April Harley Beck Shepherd have?


Race - What is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s race?


Skin Tone


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does April Harley Beck Shepherd have?

Teaching, art and sewing, nurturing, baking

Hobbies - What hobbies does April Harley Beck Shepherd have?

Art, crafts, sewing, baking, being a mom, adult coloring books, coffee art

Personality type - What personality type is April Harley Beck Shepherd?

very sweet, nurturing, maternal, patient, selfless, and positive

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does April Harley Beck Shepherd have?

Sweet, touchy and hugs a lot, speaks gently, always smiling,
sometimes talks about Duncan in an exasperated voice

Flaws - What flaws does April Harley Beck Shepherd have?

easily influenced, very cautious, not always supportive of Duncan

groups Social
Occupation - What is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s occupation?

Kindergarten teacher at Daisy Elementary School

Religion - What religion does April Harley Beck Shepherd practice?


Favorite animal - What is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s favorite animal?


Favorite food - What is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s favorite food?

Apple pie

Favorite color - What is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s favorite color?


info History
Birthday - When is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s birthday?

March 31

Background - What is April Harley Beck Shepherd’s background?

Born and raised in Daisy
Mother owned a bakery (still does)
Father taught education classes at CCU

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does April Harley Beck Shepherd have?

Cherry, wiener dog

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Current residence: Lake villa in Daisy, given by Rod and Karla

Housemates: Duncan Shepherd, Lydia Shepherd, Cherry

Car: sky blue VW Beetle

folder_open Extended Family
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This character was created by Kailee on

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