info Overview
Name - What is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s full name?

Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks

Age - How old is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks?


Gender - What is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks go by?

Cal, Big Parks

Role - What is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s role in your story?

Minor character

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s eye color?

Blue grey

Height - How tall is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks?


Hair Color - What color is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s hair?

Dark blonde

Hair Style - How does Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks style their hair?

Short, straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks have?

None usually

Race - What is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks have?

Music, ice hockey, working with children

Hobbies - What hobbies does Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks have?

Music, ice hockey, baseball, basketball

Personality type - What personality type is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks?

Very sweet, can be obnoxious, enthusiastic

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks have?

Touchy, stretches when nervous

Motivations - What motivates Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks most?

Care for others

Flaws - What flaws does Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks have?

Cares too much about sports

groups Social
Occupation - What is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s occupation?

Nurse practitioner at SaveBarn retail clinic/High school hockey coach/Little League and Peewee hockey/basketball coach

Religion - What religion does Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks practice?


Favorite animal - What is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s favorite animal?


Favorite food - What is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s favorite food?

Hot cheetos

Favorite color - What is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s favorite color?


info History
Birthday - When is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s birthday?

February 14

Education - What is Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks’s level of education?

graduate education

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks have?

Basset hound, Brutus

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Current Residence: Duplex condo in Daisy

Housemates: Sam Morris, Archer Crabtree, Brutus the dog

Car: Robin's Egg Blue 1957 Thunderbird convertible

folder_open Extended Family

Kate Tallulah Royce Buckley
Reverend Wiley Clint Parks
Harriet June "Hattie" Sorenson Parks

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks

Character chevron_right Children link linked Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Calvin Wiley Buckley Parks

This character was created by Kailee on

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