info Overview
Name - What is Julian Montgomery’s full name?

Julian Montgomery

Role - What is Julian Montgomery’s role in your story?

Main Character

Age - How old is Julian Montgomery?


Gender - What is Julian Montgomery’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Julian Montgomery go by?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Julian Montgomery have?


Hair Style - How does Julian Montgomery style their hair?

curly taper haircut

Hair Color - What color is Julian Montgomery’s hair?


Height - How tall is Julian Montgomery?


Weight - How much does Julian Montgomery weigh?

130 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Julian Montgomery have?

Freckles all over his nose, cheeks, shoulders, back, and arms, chipped front tooth, slightly chapped lips, dark circles under eyes, calluses on his fingertips from playing guitar, heterochromia (right eye has a small patch of hazel/brown)

Body Type

Skinny, light muscle

Skin Tone

Very light

Race - What is Julian Montgomery’s race?


Eye Color - What is Julian Montgomery’s eye color?

Light blue

fingerprint Nature

General anxiety, seasonal depression, PTSD at end of book, heterochromia (his right eye has a small patch of hazel/brown, it's not noticeable unless you're paying close attention)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Julian Montgomery have?

Trembles slightly when talking to people he doesn't know well, licks his lips a lot when he's nervous, rubs the back of his neck and pulls at his hair a bit, talks with his hands a lot when he's comfortable

Motivations - What motivates Julian Montgomery most?

Friends, curiousity, survival

Flaws - What flaws does Julian Montgomery have?

Gets nervous easily, doesn't think much of himself, is afraid to fight or get too involved in anything and has trouble figuring out his feelings, pulls away a lot in relationships because he gets scared, difficult for him to open up

Talents - What talents does Julian Montgomery have?

Can hack into most networks and devices easily, can bake very well, very good at writing poetry/lyrics and playing guitar

Hobbies - What hobbies does Julian Montgomery have?

Reading, writing, playing music, baking, playing video games, listening to music

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Julian Montgomery’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Julian Montgomery’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Julian Montgomery’s favorite weapon?

Doesn't like weapons. At all. If he had to choose one, it would be a pocket knife.

Favorite possession - What is Julian Montgomery’s favorite possession?

His journal

Favorite color - What is Julian Montgomery’s favorite color?

Very pale blue

Occupation - What is Julian Montgomery’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Julian Montgomery have?


Religion - What religion does Julian Montgomery practice?

His family is Christian, but he only half believes in God.

info History
Birthday - When is Julian Montgomery’s birthday?

April 14th, 2001

Background - What is Julian Montgomery’s background?

Julian grew up in a large family with lots of cousins and siblings. When he was young he was pretty close with all of them, but as he grew older his parents and siblings paid less and less attention to him. He started locking himself in his room and isolating himself from his family. In high school he only had a few friends, and he never kept a friend for more than a year. He suffers from depression and anxiety, and has really low self esteem.

Education - What is Julian Montgomery’s level of education?

Senior year of high school

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Jensen on

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