info Overview
Name - What is Arakel Azaryan’s full name?

Arakel Azaryan

Age - How old is Arakel Azaryan?


Gender - What is Arakel Azaryan’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Arakel Azaryan go by?

Ara, Dr. Azaryan

Role - What is Arakel Azaryan’s role in your story?

Supporting character

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Arakel Azaryan style their hair?

Short, wavy. He tries to keep it neat and combed back.

Hair Color - What color is Arakel Azaryan’s hair?


Height - How tall is Arakel Azaryan?


Body Type


Skin Tone


Eye Color - What is Arakel Azaryan’s eye color?

dark brown

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Arakel Azaryan have?

arrogant, never admits it when he's wrong, stubborn.

Talents - What talents does Arakel Azaryan have?

Ara is very intelligent and since he's a doctor he obviously knows a lot about medicine and first aid. He is also very good at picking up on small details, and is really good at things that require lots of logical thinking. He is also good at making quick decisions.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Arakel Azaryan have?

reading, solving puzzles, watching netflix

Personality type - What personality type is Arakel Azaryan?

Ara is very type A. He is organized and likes to get things done quickly. He often comes across as being cold or reserved, and while this is true Ara is really just very independent and doesn't necessarily want the company of others. He is also very careful and collected and often puts a lot of thought into his actions and words. Even though he gets criticized for being a bit of a jerk, Ara has a very strong moral compass. He often pokes fun at the other characters' weaknesses, but at the end of the day his morals are in the right place and he rarely strays from them.

groups Social
Job - What job does Arakel Azaryan have?

Resident doctor (He's hoping to become a surgeon someday).

info History
Background - What is Arakel Azaryan’s background?

Ara was born to an Armenian couple in Montreal, Canada. Growing up, his parents didn't have a ton of money and often had to work long hours but that didn't stop him from having a good relationship with them.
Ara's childhood was pretty normal. He didn't have many friends, as he was always very independent and preferred to fly under the radar.
After high school, he went to university on the other side of the country in Vancouver. He eventually realized that he had telepathic abilities that he didn't know how to explain. He kept these abilities a secret and rarely even used them. He eventually met Andor, who also had the same abilities. The two of them tried to work together to see if they could figure out the source of their powers but have yet to be successful (largely due to their clashing personalities). Ara graduated medical school and still lives and works in Vancouver.

Education - What is Arakel Azaryan’s level of education?

Graduated Medical school

Birthday - When is Arakel Azaryan’s birthday?

September 29

device_hub Family
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history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Quotes

"Awfully bold of you to ask, considering your name is Dallas"(In response to "what kind of a name is Ara?")

"I know where you go to school, Dallas. So you can either come today or just wait for me to show up in the parking lot, probably when you least expect it. It’s your call."

“Do you ever think before you speak, or do you know how ridiculous you sound but choose to say it anyways?”

Andor: Like, if I go missing suddenly, or say I turn up dead, is it fair of me to ask you to- I dunno- avenge me or something.”
Ara: "I'm not doing that."

(To Andor): "“You’re never being serious, but for the sake of furthering the conversation, I’ll pretend you actually mean it for once.”

“Yeah, sometimes...I miss my parents. I don’t think they like that I’m so far away from them... Also I miss not having a freeway that goes through the city. Who’s fucking idea was it to have stoplights at every intersection in a city this big? Like, come on.”

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