info Overview
Name - What is Oliver Moore ’s full name?

Oliver Moore

Role - What is Oliver Moore ’s role in your story?

Sympathetic Side Character

Other names - What other aliases does Oliver Moore go by?

Johnny, Jonathon, Flaco.

Gender - What is Oliver Moore ’s gender?


Age - How old is Oliver Moore ?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Oliver Moore weigh?

127 pounds.

Height - How tall is Oliver Moore ?


Hair Color - What color is Oliver Moore ’s hair?

Dark chestnut brown.

Hair Style - How does Oliver Moore style their hair?

Messy, unkempt. Needs trimming.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Oliver Moore have?

Thick stubble.

Eye Color - What is Oliver Moore ’s eye color?

Muddy brown.

Race - What is Oliver Moore ’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale ivory.

Body Type

Tall, Lanky. Unhealthy looking.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Oliver Moore have?

Dark eye bags. Drug-related physical symptoms.

fingerprint Nature

Depression, Anxiety.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Oliver Moore ’s birthday?

June 30th, Cancer.

attach_money Job
Weekly/Yearly Income

Weekly: His income varies each week depending on how many sales he makes, a rounded estimate is $1,900.
Yearly: $100,000.

Skill Level

His reach as a dealer is exceptionally large since he's working under the mafia, giving him a big advantage. Most of his customers like him for being honest, kind, and funny.

Occupation - What is Oliver Moore ’s occupation?

He works as a drug-dealer, though most of his money goes to the mafia since he fell into deep debt with them.

Opinion on Occupation

He doesn't mind his job but hates seeing lives get ruined because of addictions.
He will refuse to sell to someone if he knows it's their first time or they're trying to get clean.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Oliver Moore have?

Mr. Wrinkly, the shar-pei.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Oliver Moore practice?

None, but he does believe in a higher power.

Politics - What politics does Oliver Moore have?


Favorite color - What is Oliver Moore ’s favorite color?

Pastel colors, particularly purple.

Favorite food - What is Oliver Moore ’s favorite food?

Any food he can get his hands on, but he really likes hotdogs.

Favorite possession - What is Oliver Moore ’s favorite possession?

An old, worn-out blanket given to him by his mother. It's fluffy and grey with a plush elephant head attached.

Favorite weapon - What is Oliver Moore ’s favorite weapon?

A small, easily concealed pistol.

Favorite animal - What is Oliver Moore ’s favorite animal?


child_care Childhood
favorite_border Romantic
history Changelog
bubble_chart Magic
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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