info Overview
Name - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s full name?

Jessica Rhoem

Age - How old is Jessica Rhoem ?


Gender - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s gender?


Role - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Jessica Rhoem go by?

Jes. Jess. Jessie. Jessiebell.

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jessica Rhoem have?

A scar on her wrist in the shape of a semicolon.

Weight - How much does Jessica Rhoem weigh?


Height - How tall is Jessica Rhoem ?


Hair Color - What color is Jessica Rhoem ’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Jessica Rhoem style their hair?

Flat on her shoulders.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jessica Rhoem have?


Eye Color - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s eye color?

Dark blue

Race - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s race?

Asian American

Skin Tone


Body Type

Round physique

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Jessica Rhoem have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Jessica Rhoem have?

Texting Paul. Gaming. Taking pictures of the sunrise while she walks to school.

Motivations - What motivates Jessica Rhoem most?

Achieving a point where she can be proud of herself.

Flaws - What flaws does Jessica Rhoem have?

Overly skeptical of her peers. Inflexible. Prone to blind anger (This is only common around those she is very familar with such as family or Paul).

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jessica Rhoem have?

Is awkward around other girls.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jessica Rhoem have?

Doesn't talk much but when spoken to she speaks loudly.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Jessica Rhoem practice?


Politics - What politics does Jessica Rhoem have?

"Democrat" She says this but does not really understand what the parties mean.

Occupation - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s favorite color?

She doesn't have one. When asked she claims that its red.

Favorite food - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s favorite possession?

A Black t-shirt. It used to belong to her sister.

info History
Education - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s level of education?

High school freshman

Birthday - When is Jessica Rhoem ’s birthday?


Background - What is Jessica Rhoem ’s background?

Raised by Rod and Anne Rhoem. Jessica was always a quiet girl, never asking for anything never wanting anything. Her parents would think she was depressed and would take her to all kinds of doctors; most doctors would tell them there was nothing wrong. Despite being assured of nothing being wrong Jessica's parents did not give up, they eventually found a doctor who believed there was something wrong with Jessica. Jessica was ten at this point, even prescribed medications Jessica was no better in her parent's eyes. As Jessica aged into her teens she developed intense mood swings and a tendency for spontaneous actions.

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history Changelog
edit Notes

"Alive" by Sia
"Firework" by Katy Perry
"Counting Stars" by OneRepublic

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